Based in Australia, Shipped from China?


After purchasing quite a few things from "Australian" sellers recently through eBay, I have noticed that the packages are being sent from China.

How come these sellers are allowed to say their listings are from Australia when the packages come from China? It's obviously a deliberate misconception created to lure more buyers in.

People think they are buying from an Australian dealer when really they are purchasing another poor quality Chinese item.

Is this allowed? If so, why ?

Message 1 of 77
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Re: Based in Australia, Shipped from China?

No, they are not allowed to misrepresent the account holders location or the item location.

You can report any listing you find to be in violation. There is a specific selection in the report drop down menu for this type of report.

image host
Message 2 of 77
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Re: Based in Australia, Shipped from China?

People think they are buying from an Australian dealer when really they are purchasing another poor quality Chinese item.


OP, 90% of items in Australia are made in China, poor quality or good quality, all the same.

Go to any store, find the labels on items, they will say made in China, but we pay hell of lot more for them here that getting them straight from China.

Not only that, those manufacturers who used to make thir stuff here then relocated to China - didn't reduce their prices due to the crappy materials, labor and workmanship, they stayed the same or even increased.

The only disadvantage with buying from China is if one has to send something back - but usually those items are so cheap, why bother, just chuck them out.

I find even with a few losses (with all the good prices in general) one is still miles in front!

Message 3 of 77
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Re: Based in Australia, Shipped from China?

You have a point fixnwear, but it does not deal with the issue of time either. If you are buying within Oz you are pretty much guaranteed to get your item within 3 - 7 days - maybe 10 for further states, but from China, who knows? Not to mention, all buyers should IMO have this sort of info so they can make an informed decision when purchasing. I am with K5 - report the seller and make them disclose the information the rest of us have to


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 4 of 77
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Re: Based in Australia, Shipped from China?

Agree, greencat, report them all for misrepresenting location - but do not be deluded that you'll be getting anything better or worse than similar item bought localy.

And the only reason that one waits longer to get stuff from China is if they are sourcing it over there, as they tend to list stuff first, then when it sells they start looking around their cronies to get one. That may take them a week or so - wouldn't put it past them to even start making it (whatever it is) after making sure that it was sold first.

If posted straight away and in stock it gets here in 3-4 days - always!

I have waited twice as long to get items from domestic sellers, so used to the wait that I no longer even bother to chase it up sooner!

Then when you get it, it shows that was posted yesterday!

Message 5 of 77
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Re: Based in Australia, Shipped from China?

Agree, greencat, report them all for misrepresenting location - but do not be deluded that you'll be getting anything better or worse than similar item bought localy.

No, but if I specifically search & buy item that is located in Australia it is because that is what I want, so i am not going to put up with item posted from elsewhere.  Usually, because I want it in hurry and am not willing to wait for it to arrive from o/s.  If I had a time to wait, I would most likely find it cheaper directly from China.


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 6 of 77
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Re: Based in Australia, Shipped from China?

Buy from oz = about 7 days for item to arrive

Buy from HK = 14 to 21 days

If I buy from Oz and pay the extra price and items arrives from HK in 20 days I feel very negative and ripped off and my Feed back is going to reflect that and so are the stars i leave

1 star for delivery time

1 star for communication because they lied to me

and on it goes

If every buyer did that it would stamp out the dodgy sellers real fast, much faster than reporting them to ebay

Message 7 of 77
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Re: Based in Australia, Shipped from China?

A very good point and sound theory hawk - Buyers - you can do something, and sounds to me like it will work a lot better than the 'report to eBay' I earlier suggested.


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 8 of 77
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Re: Based in Australia, Shipped from China?

Theres on seller with over 100,000 feedback that has a payment address in Victoria written in the description, item location says Sydney, but everything is sent from China by looking in their feedbacks

I have lost count on how many times I have reported them, but ebay do nothing and let them continue

Message 9 of 77
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Re: Based in Australia, Shipped from China?

Theres on seller with over 100,000 feedback that has a payment address in Victoria written in the description, item location says Sydney, but everything is sent from China by looking in their feedbacks


I have lost count on how many times I have reported them, but ebay do nothing and let them continue

Ebay dont care, the only way is to let feed back reflect your satisfaction of waiting longer than expected and paying more than you would to have bought for China and being misled 

Message 10 of 77
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