on 11-12-2014 01:01 PM
It takes days out of your life ticking the stupid "best offer" box so as not to get dumb offers cheaper than your item would cost to post.
You then inform the person offering the rediculous amount that your postage will cost you $13.40 and that an offer of $4 wouldn't even cover the free post. Only to have a reply commenting - isn't it fee post?
I just think to save time, the ticking the free post should be optional the other way around.
ie: unless people choose to have best offer on a listing, there would be no need to tick this infuriatingly slow online service that strips days off your life while you wait for the best offer to disappear from your new listing.
In some circumstances, I have to list something and then go back and revise the listing to remove best offer as I wasn't able to do so the first time around because the process is so slow.
IMO removing the Best Offer check box could speed up listing times by up to 2 minutes
on 13-12-2014 12:04 AM
on 13-12-2014 12:32 AM
@cq_tech wrote:
I hope you blocked whoever made the offer, in case they buy it at full price and trash your DSRs.
I dont believe they believe it would be accepted. Every now & then someone has to try it on. I was polite in my response (through gritted teeth). I dont block low ballers as a rule (unless they are rude or abusive) as I have actually ended up selling other lesser priced items to several of them.
on 13-12-2014 12:48 AM
But isnt it free??
haha im so funny.
I have three different browsers (IE, firefox and chrome) open at the same time and flip between all three when updating listings. So I update at least three at a time. I unclick the Offer button, then flick to another browser to work on the other listing while it works. Sometimes Ill have 6 or 7 browsers open all listing at once.
No waiting for for the offer button, no waiting for pics to upload. No waiting for anything.
Also, you can opt to not accept offers below an amount you specify. You dont have to check / reply to every one - it happens automatically. If you need to change it, its not different to clicking it off again - just two numbers typed in.
Sooo... when Im listing/relisting I do my listings in batches. I have a quick look at what I have, list all the ones I want the same returns policy for and list them all together. then change the refund policy ONCE and list the next lot, etc. Same for Offer / auction length etc
Also, I copy and paste certain areas of my listings to every listing (for example, measurements template). I have these sentences or paragraphs pasted into an open notepad so I can copy and paste them fast.
They call me speedy.
on 13-12-2014 01:21 AM
Lol multi tasker 🙂
on 13-12-2014 02:14 AM
@retailtherapist_8 wrote:
@cq_tech wrote:
I hope you blocked whoever made the offer, in case they buy it at full price and trash your DSRs.I dont believe they believe it would be accepted. Every now & then someone has to try it on. I was polite in my response (through gritted teeth). I dont block low ballers as a rule (unless they are rude or abusive) as I have actually ended up selling other lesser priced items to several of them.
I received a couple of unsolicited best offers only a couple of weeks ago and I too was extremely polite in my rejection, so you can imagine my horror and disgust when I eventually discovered that the buyer, who had bought both items the next day at the listed price, had completely trashed my DSRs and left me with 2 defects, despite the fact that the items were sent the very same day, and the postage charged was below stamp value. I've identified the buyer in my feedback for those who want to block her, and from now on, any buyer making unacceptable or unsolicited offers will be immediately blocked.
on 13-12-2014 10:22 AM
OMG cq_tech, you poor thing thats awful! Absolutely so unfair. Yes that does makes me worry. This new defect system is painful.
Ironically the person who felt they had to ruin my perfect 5 stars was a very experienced Seller, who didnt bother to contact me.
Needless to say she now appears on my special list.
on 13-12-2014 10:46 AM