Beware of fraud buyer! they claim you send empty box and eBay just refund without investigation!

As a long term ebay seller we just found recent case with return requstion and the claim of empty box sent. eBey just close the case by refund and no investigation. The buyer is a new account and no any purchase history. the account name is REMOVED and be careful! 




Message 1 of 19
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Beware of fraud buyer! they claim you send empty box and eBay just refund without investigation!

Thanks for the heads up, although not allowed to mention ebay user name here.
Message 2 of 19
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Beware of fraud buyer! they claim you send empty box and eBay just refund without investigation!

It's against eBay policy to name n shame here.

The mods will probably remove it.


Is it possible the items were stolen by postal workers ?


I assume you have tracking on items so the buyer would have needed to contact eBay to claim an empty received parcel.

Call eBay, request a call back as those reps are better and explain the item was sent with tracking.




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Message 3 of 19
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Beware of fraud buyer! they claim you send empty box and eBay just refund without investigation!

I just checked that name and it says they only registered on the 14th ...its the 16th now so I am scratching my head a bit on this one ..... 

Message 4 of 19
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Beware of fraud buyer! they claim you send empty box and eBay just refund without investigation!

Given the ID, my guess is that they bought as a guest.


They would have had to register as a member in order to open a dispute, however.


I find it interesting that eBay seems to have refunded no questions asked, yet there are currently a couple of people who have been scammed by a seller who have to get stat decs to get their money back.


I can only assume the scammer is a protected Asiatic species.

Message 5 of 19
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Beware of fraud buyer! they claim you send empty box and eBay just refund without investigation!

Honored Contributor

Why would the buyer want to return an empty box?


Is there anything in the reason for return that would make ebay refund immediately?

Surely if the buyer requested to return an item then ebay would have told them to return it before issuing a refund?


There seems to be a lot of questions surrounding this transaction.....I think I would be involving ACORN in this one, after first appealing the ebay decision.

Message 6 of 19
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Beware of fraud buyer! they claim you send empty box and eBay just refund without investigation!

I just can't get my head around this,it's still happening and ebay needs to stop it.

Message 7 of 19
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Beware of fraud buyer! they claim you send empty box and eBay just refund without investigation!

@stickerswa wrote:

I just checked that name and it says they only registered on the 14th ...its the 16th now so I am scratching my head a bit on this one ..... 

I wouldn't have thought to do that, but you're right.


Could that person bid before they were registered with that name? If they registered as a guest, would their purchase history then transfer to the new registered name?


That's the only thing I can think of that would explain it as I wouldn't imagine a package bought on 14th would even have arrived yet.

Message 8 of 19
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Beware of fraud buyer! they claim you send empty box and eBay just refund without investigation!

Unless things have changed recently if an item is bought on a guest account it does not transfer to an ebay account if/when the buyer registers on ebay.

Message 9 of 19
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Beware of fraud buyer! they claim you send empty box and eBay just refund without investigation!

Ummm, just as an aside, I've never known a seller to have so many buyers


who have not given the right address.

That doesn't add up either.     nope smiley.gif



Message 10 of 19
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