on โ02-01-2013 07:58 AM
What are my responsibilities? I want to do the right thing by the buyer but also don't want to get shafted.
on โ02-01-2013 02:58 PM
We also had the case of one long time poster here and a laptop from USA, supposedly delivered and signed for by him, when in fact he was interstate, nobody was at home.
Legally, the OP is now not responsible, but the buyer can still give them NEG. So bit of help dealing with AP and not calling them a scammer might be helpful.
on โ02-01-2013 03:01 PM
I haven't called the buyer a scammer. I've related a story about a scammer.
on โ02-01-2013 03:07 PM
I haven't called the buyer a scammer. I've related a story about a scammer.
I did not say you did; I was trying to say that people should not assume that the buyer is a scammer. The truth is nobody knows what happened.
on โ02-01-2013 05:21 PM
this happened to a friend of mine so he went to buyers house and said lets go to police station and report the item stolen. the buyer refused. hahah end of story never heard from the buyer again.
on โ02-01-2013 08:00 PM
I bet many sellers wish they could visit buyers. The only problem would be in the crime rate.
on โ02-01-2013 08:01 PM
" the rise " in the crime rate.