Cancellation & feedback?


Sold an item a while ago for pick up. The buyer's communications have been brief & poor, though paid by Paypal. I have twice organised a pick up to be let down  (& greatly inconvenienced) - the first time with no communication, the second time with a  brief "you can keep the bedhead" (?)

I gave the option to cancell the first time but she went ahead a & paid, (or claimed she did, which she didn't untill I contacted her again).


Question is - if I initiate a cancellation is feedback possible on either side? I'm a bit nervous due to the communications if she can leave feedback (she put at the end of her details of her being a solicitor)


Message 1 of 51
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Re: Cancellation & feedback?

Naughty Joe,  you should not bid unless you are sure you want to go through with it if you win.

Message 31 of 51
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Re: Cancellation & feedback?

i did not think my mum would not sign it, i did apoligize to all concern. 

Message 32 of 51
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Re: Cancellation & feedback?

@joethenuts wrote:

wow we have a new member been on ebay for 1 day , great to see you ,   but what a silly fello i am i dont talk to non buyers or sellers  sorry



 joe, if l did not know better, and being a seasoned boards participator, just as you are, looking  at your post and the edit from one of the mods, l would be inclined to believe that you may have Reported our New Community board member ? me just thinks that hmm.


Would there be any truth in this thought joe ?  


joe, not having a go at you or something, but how does not talking to non-buyers or sellers really accomplish anything ?


Question, how do you know that this id. is a male, could be a female, joe.


Just asking joe, not prodding you.

Message 33 of 51
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Re: Cancellation & feedback?

for a start  saying someone is a male or female i have a 50% chance of getting it right, 

if the moderator feels that they should delete things that are not allowed on these boards well be that i have had things removed before just like most of has , i have also been suspended from the boards just like a lot have , 

also it would be nice of board members to stick to the thread , which does not concern  them 

but have a nice day .   

Message 34 of 51
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Re: Cancellation & feedback?

@joethenuts wrote:

  thats correct lyndal but that does make you know the person. i might have to ask the boss tonight ,maybe he will tell

Yes Joe, I know the poster.

But then I know a lot of posters on the Christmas Card List is very long.

Message 35 of 51
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Re: Cancellation & feedback?

it would be , i could just imagine it ,  

well it does not know me and the nerve of him or her talking about white and red paint.   oh well life goes on.


Message 36 of 51
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Re: Cancellation & feedback?

@joethenuts wrote:

no not winning asked my mum to sign a note , and she said no ,  and i said why not , she said dont you remember when you were younger at school  , and i said ow.  you see when i was at school a couple f times as my mum did not read english that well , i ysed to write a note and then ask her to sign it , she would ask whats it for  , and i was naughty and said its to say i did my homework, but it said [joe wont be going to school today as he was not feeling well. signed joes mother.  so i contacted the seller and fixed it up. he would not except no note  . oh well.

joe is correct.  His bid is no longer there by mutual agreement.  As that was a bid on an item of mine it is only between me and the bidder and nobody else, and everything is from my end is fine.  Please, no further comment need be made by me, joe or any other member.


Good news though . . . . there is an item out there with no bids on it!

Message 37 of 51
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Re: Cancellation & feedback?

@joethenuts wrote:

i did not think my mum would not sign it, i did apoligize to all concern. 

and the apology was greatly appreciated and duly accepted.  Over, done and dusted.

Message 38 of 51
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Re: Cancellation & feedback?

@joethenuts wrote:

for a start  saying someone is a male or female i have a 50% chance of getting it right, 

if the moderator feels that they should delete things that are not allowed on these boards well be that i have had things removed before just like most of has , i have also been suspended from the boards just like a lot have , 

also it would be nice of board members to stick to the thread , which does not concern  them 

but have a nice day .   

Well joe, if this is not the kettle calling the pot black, well, l do not know what is !!!!!


Nice Retreat you made there joe, but as usual, you failed to answer the question at heart, like a good pollie, you went right around it, but did not touch on it.


Very disappointing of you joe, l thought that you always stood on principles and stuck to the truth of a matter.


Yes, 50% Right, or could be 50% Wrong, so you only have one choice, not like Life.


Enquiring minds, would still like you to answer the question directed to you, thank you.

Message 39 of 51
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Re: Cancellation & feedback?

@joethenuts wrote:

it would be , i could just imagine it ,  

well it does not know me and the nerve of him or her talking about white and red paint.   oh well life goes on.




Er joe, NO RED Paint  was ever mentioned, it was Cream Coloured paint & White Coloured paint joe, knowing what a stickler you are on the facts, and nothing but the facts joe.


After all the facts are the facts, we are not allowed to give incorrect information across the boards, as you well know joe, so chalk this one up to me helping you out here, ....and please do have a nice restful nights sleep joe.

Message 40 of 51
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