Cancelled Purchases Because Of Death In The Family

I have just received my 3rd request in the past 2 weeks to cancel a sale due to the death of a close family relative.

I am not a heartless person, but I am also not stupid.  I know that this reason for cancelling a sale is being experienced by more and more sellers.

So what do I do?

Do I presume that all the buyers are telling the truth, or do I presume that more and more buyers are using this reason to get out of a sale.

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Re: Cancelled Purchases Because Of Death In The Family

Agreed, normally her posts are very abrupt, condecending and sometimes down right rude but that comment was DISGUSTING

Dont push.... Im typing as fast as I can.......
Message 31 of 40
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Re: Cancelled Purchases Because Of Death In The Family

Agree. Some are insensitive to others problems but when it is their own problem or death it is something to care about I am sure.

In most people's lives, when tragedy strikes, an eBay purchase rates just bit above insignificant.  As a seller, I would rather er on the side of being too nice, then be giving strikes.  For some people eBay is a business, but that does not mean we should not treat our buyers with understanding and compassion.


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 32 of 40
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Re: Cancelled Purchases Because Of Death In The Family

"who cares if there has been a death in the family?"...that is one of the most insensitive postings I have ever seen. Let me tell you Phorum Junkie...the family does. You probably mean well but that particular advice should be blocked.

It is NOT relevant to an ebay transaction, it is not a reason for never paying or posting and this thread is about the people who can find the time to send an email with their reason for not paying, if they were thinking about ebay despite the death in the family why spend the time doing that instead of just taking less time to just go and make the payment?

Being in my 60s of course there have been deaths in my family, sometimes it has caused a delay in making a payment or posting an item off. That was my problem not my trading partners and I apologised and paid or posted without burdening them with my problems because why should they care about my personal circumstances.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 33 of 40
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Re: Cancelled Purchases Because Of Death In The Family

Community Member

Maybe they couldn't pay because they were too distraught trying to find the 5 or 6 thousand dollars that they needed up-front to bury their loved one... 😐

Message 34 of 40
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Re: Cancelled Purchases Because Of Death In The Family

Maybe they couldn't pay because they were too distraught trying to find the 5 or 6 thousand dollars that they needed up-front to bury their loved one... 😐

I thought of that possibility also.

I really think some compassion is needed when receiving a request to cancel a transaction because of a family death or other tragedy.  As a seller, I don't think we have to lack compassion, and don't see any wrong in responding in a caring way..

The same goes for a buyer.  We are all people and "stuff happens" that we don't plan on, when entering a transaction.

Of course, we have to be sensible and aware, some people will come up with all sorts of excuses, but I have found the majority of buyers and sellers are honest, and deserve to be treated with respect, as far as I'm concerned.

The Important Things in Life Aren't Things
Message 35 of 40
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Re: Cancelled Purchases Because Of Death In The Family

Hi Kaye :-x Hope you and yours are well.



The way I look at it is that yes, I am running a business but I am still a person and I am dealing with other people.


If someone doesn't pay for an eBay item from me it causes me only a very minor inconvenience and is nothing compared to what they may or may not be going through.


Its not my place to decide if it is the truth or not. I just thank them for letting me know and move on.

Message 36 of 40
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Re: Cancelled Purchases Because Of Death In The Family

Hi Kaye :-x Hope you and yours are well.

The way I look at it is that yes, I am running a business but I am still a person and I am dealing with other people.

If someone doesn't pay for an eBay item from me it causes me only a very minor inconvenience and is nothing compared to what they may or may not be going through.

Its not my place to decide if it is the truth or not. I just thank them for letting me know and move on.

I agree with you Kazbar.:-)

I just cant believe some of the comments here.

Some people are just to uncaring and cold for my liking.:-(

I supose its each to there own.

Message 37 of 40
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Re: Cancelled Purchases Because Of Death In The Family

Hi Karen :-x

We were all going reasonably well until yesterday.  This little story proves  "stuff happens", and cause eBay transactions to take a back seat for the majority of people.

One of our gorgeous grandsons - a 2 1/2 year old had his first visit to the snow which he had been very excited about.  His Dad - a very protective and loving Dad, was on a toboggan with him and had to swerve to miss somebody and the toboggan tipped.  Our little grandson now has a torus fracture to the leg.  It is not serious, but this weekend they were going to be coming to stay with us for a family event.  Poor little fellow is not allowed to put pressure on his foot for a week.  He's going to miss seeing his 5 cousins, and we're all going to miss seeing him, his baby brother and Mum & Dad.

I totally agree with what you posted, and also dickos.

The worst buyer I ever had was a few years ago, when I ended up in hospital with septicemia, and a daughter helped me out contacting buyers.  She happened to miss one person and when I finally posted their item, apologised for delay, and told them why,  they gave me a mouthful in an email.  All over about $2 worth of charms!!!

I hope I would never come across to my buyers, or sellers,  as a cold uncaring person.

That's why I have my signature - also reminds me!!!!

The Important Things in Life Aren't Things
Message 38 of 40
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Re: Cancelled Purchases Because Of Death In The Family

Some of my buyers never contact me. they just dont pay 😞

Message 39 of 40
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Re: Cancelled Purchases Because Of Death In The Family

Agree to a cancellation - just in case it is the truth, watch the buying history after, and if it looks suss, come back and let us know.

don't take life too's not permanent
Message 40 of 40
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