on โ31-08-2019 11:18 PM
I need a little help. I can't find the buyer's terms and conditions for the Promotions Manager Tool promos. They must exist somewhere because I already know that only one discount can be applied at a time. Anybody know?
Terms for promos like these:
Thank's for any help you can give
on โ01-09-2019 11:21 AM
on โ01-09-2019 01:53 PM
I don't think there are any official or explicitly stated T&Cs for buyers, aside from the instruction to add items to the cart in order for the promotional discounts to take effect (and eBay don't even make it all that clear that it won't apply if you use the buy it now option on items instead - the heading is now at the end of the listing decriptions rather than the top, and while it does say "Discount will be applied when you add promotional items from [seller] to your cart", it doesn't say the discount won't be applied if you purchase through BIN. It's implied, but on eBay implying is often not enough ).
on โ01-09-2019 06:09 PM
I just found it because you told me to look at the bottom of a listing:
The link is easy to miss:
on โ01-09-2019 06:11 PM
It's as obvious as a plucked eyebrow hair...
on โ01-09-2019 06:15 PM
Ah... It's good they do have it, but I completely missed it and I was looking for it (I was actually looking for a 'learn more' type link - tunnel vision