on 23-10-2019 06:50 PM
Hearing that as from mid November AusPost will change from an evening clearance (in our case 6pm) of the street red boxes to a midday clearance. The box will no longer be cleared by a dedicated AusPost van, rather by your local postie.
At the moment, any orders we receive before 5:30pm are placed into the mail box that day thereby ensuring (well, assisting) prompt delivery.
In essence this change means that most of our sales will be mailed/delivered one day later than at present.
AusPost again claim that diminishing volumes of snail mail mean they need to cut costs by reducing services. Seems like an echo of the story spun by banks as their excuse for closing branches - an endless cycle. Reduce services so less people can use the service and then claim this reduced patronage as an excuses to further reduce services.
on 04-09-2022 09:36 PM
Melbourne metro here - changed to 12pm a couple of years ago from memory. The whole Covid thing tends to mess up my recall of when things like that happened exactly.