Changing to Windows 10?

Currently still got Windows 7 Pro loaded.

Can I get Windows 10 loaded easily onto my computer? Everyone seems hell bent on pushing us to buy a new computer but would like to know if there is a cheaper option? Support for Win 7 ends Jan 14th so want to start moving on this now so not under the pump.

Any information would be helpful. 

We have a PC not laptop, and not interested in changing as the larger screen is better for me. Plus don't want to "travel".

Message 1 of 33
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Changing to Windows 10?

@shoppingbag* wrote:

That is all fine if you are not worried about hackers getting into your accounts. These people will have a field day looking for those who don't change over. You may have been very lucky so far. As for me, I am not taking the chance.

I only just upgraded to Win 10 from XP. Never had any problems with "people looking for those who don't change over" (after at least 5 years? since Win XP was last updated).  Mind you, I never click on 'sus' links, and never visit 'sus' sites. I think people get themselves all in a twist worrying about hackers. 

Message 11 of 33
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Changing to Windows 10?

@curraone wrote:

I have resisted window 10 so far because I read I will lose all my email folders ๐Ÿ˜ž

What version are you currently using? I recently upgraded to Win 10 from Win XP and the biggest drama came from transferring my emails from the last 10 years across. (I like old emails as they are effectively my diary). Eventually I managed to get the emails to transfer and if you want to know how I did it (as it wasn't straightforward), send me a PM.


I actuially did have another issue when I upgraded as there were some software programs that wouldn't work, but I am managing without them. 

Message 12 of 33
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Changing to Windows 10?

Earlier this year I upgraded or downgraded to an older laptop from 2011 running windows 7. I can't stand windows 10 and all the junk they think you should have. Plus solitaire is only free if you put up with all the adds.

Message 13 of 33
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Changing to Windows 10?

@gumleaf_goodies wrote:

@shoppingbag* wrote:

That is all fine if you are not worried about hackers getting into your accounts. These people will have a field day looking for those who don't change over. You may have been very lucky so far. As for me, I am not taking the chance.

I only just upgraded to Win 10 from XP. Never had any problems with "people looking for those who don't change over" (after at least 5 years? since Win XP was last updated).  Mind you, I never click on 'sus' links, and never visit 'sus' sites. I think people get themselves all in a twist worrying about hackers. 

Microsoft (and Google and Apple) have a vested interest in getting people to upgrade to new versions. I would be surprised if XP and 7 weren't stable platforms by the time Microsoft stopped upgrading them. And given most people panic at the thought of an unsupported operating system, I doubt there will be many hackers searching for the few using those old systems. Especially when Microsoft always release buggy software and Win 10 is probably still more vulnerable than those systems.

Message 14 of 33
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Changing to Windows 10?

Windows 10 automatically updates your O/S without allowing the option of installing later and you cannot turn it off.

It has lately developed a filthy reputation for BSOD and various other corruptions post update.

With older versions like Win 7, Vista, XP etc, if you were using older gear you could wait and see if others were having problems before installing any updates.


We're currently running Win 7 on dual boot system withs Linux as the main O/S.


I really think that unless you have a very good reason to be running Win 10 you'd be better off just switching over to Ubuntu or similar.


You'll have a much smoother user experience without having to upgrade your hardware just to cope with MS bloatware.

Message 15 of 33
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Changing to Windows 10?

The only problem XP has online these days is a lack of modern browsers. There are already a number of sites that don't work with Firefox 52 ESR. Most of the "your PC will be hacked if you have Windows < latest" talk is just talk these days - hackers are more interested in hacking the latest phones than helping Microsoft achieve more Windows 10 sales on what is perceived as dinosaur tech these days (desktop PCs). People will most likely be saying the same thing about Windows 7 and 8/8.1 when Microsoft's support for those are discontinued as well.

As for IE6 (XP's main weakness), practically nothing works with the browser these days, either the server does a browser check and blocks it, or the browser fails to load the site due to lacking modern HTTPS support, or the browser somehow manages to get through (e.g.due to the site not using HTTPS) but then fails because it can't render modern HTML properly (Firefox 12 for Windows 2000/XP pre-SP2 is much later and still fails to render about 80% of sites for the same reasons).

Windows doesn't even have its huge desktop share advantage anymore, Linux can do just about everything these days with the exception of running certain types of (usually very expensive) proprietary/industrial software which was tied to the OS. It's no longer the Linux of twenty years ago where it was a huge deal just to get a graphical user interface that was remotely usable (never mind the lack of software at the time, lack of video card compatibility (mostly courtesy of Nvidia); even just getting the sound card working under Linux was a major thing back then).
Message 16 of 33
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Changing to Windows 10?

Gawd a'mighty!


All you fuddy duddies resistant to change.  I don't believe it.


I've been using Win10 since it came out for free.  That's 4 years people.  If it was buggy, I'd have noticed by now.


I lubs it....a lot.   It's the best ever.


And the browser that comes with it - Edge.


And I ain't no young 'un


My computer is old.  But has had different drives and systems replaced over the years.



Your Settings>System  should show you your computer's capacity.

Message 17 of 33
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Changing to Windows 10?

I can't tell if your serious or pulling my leg. I remember back then when i had windows 8 and was offered the free upgrade to windows 10 and I was so excited. Unfortunately it was short lived and as I mentioned went looking for a windows 7 laptop. I am sure I find windows 10 useful just can't think why at the moment.

Message 18 of 33
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Changing to Windows 10?

I'm quite serious.  I don't do sarcasm unless I put in one of these   Image result for smiley sarcasm animated


Sarcasm doesn't work very well in print.


And I hated Windows 8 and couldn't wait to get rid of it.



Message 19 of 33
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Changing to Windows 10?

I know you can most likely turn most things off with windows 10 but I dislike when it decides to update when I need to use it. Doesn't help I have a slow internet connection and this is most likely the cause of most of my frustration with it hence I like the simple windows 7. 

Message 20 of 33
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