Childish and annoying

There's nothing new about this and it's been done to death, but it's really getting on my nerves.


I've been active chatting with customers again, potential customers and also some fellow sellers. Those warning messages have started again. I find it all very condescending, churlish and childish. And, the inference is there that you might be doing something wrong.


Just let us get on with business eBay. Honestly, would that be too much to expect, or ask?


I am soooo irritated.




PS....I might have a tall scotch. It is 10am  somewhere ๐Ÿ™‚

Message 1 of 36
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Re: Childish and annoying

PS....I might have a tall scotch. It is 10am  somewhere ๐Ÿ™‚

I have always said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day ... ๐Ÿ™‚ 



Such a shame there is no real competition for feebay. Well there could be but folks wont use it because there is nothing 'quick' about the sales there.  


Message 2 of 36
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Re: Childish and annoying

@clubesquire wrote:



I've been active chatting with customers again, potential customers and also some fellow sellers. Those warning messages have started again.

Melina, if you're getting the warning messages then if you continue with the "chatting" eBay will almost certainly give you a 7 day ban on contacting your sellers or worse.


I do understand where you're coming from, eBay's stance on contacting customers is ridiculous and in the long run is probably losing more sales than it's stopping "off eBay sales" , but it's their decision and their playground.


Edit, G'day OB, beaut day in the Southwest................


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 3 of 36
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Re: Childish and annoying

You know Padi, all I'm doing is providing an essential part of our very small biz - customer service and business development, and we do get quite a few enquiries about pipes generally. The other part of it is essential to the learning experience - chatting with other sellers who are kind enough to share their knowledge.


You mentioned a ban and that truly unsettles me. I Know it happens, with little if any recourse even in circumstances where a seller, as is my case, is or has done nothing wrong. I'm just gobsmacked and fretful, as well as very annoyed. And the 'spying.' Goodness me!


The whole irony of it Padi, is that eBay is creating an environment, which forces members, be they seller or buyer, to find alternative means of communication. I Just don't want to go there.


I think most try and do the right thing.


Anyway, I'll stop complaining. I'm probably saying too much. I think I'm just a bit titchetty.



Message 4 of 36
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Re: Childish and annoying

Melina, as Padi says, warnings from ebay are the first step.

If you continue contacting customers and other sellers in the way you are, then you will surely get a 7 day suspension.  Another "misdemeanor" and you will not have to worry about customer will not be able to sell at all.


I know you are new to selling but you have spent enough time on the boards to have read about what is happening.....why is it so hard for you to understand that the normal rules of customer service do not apply to ebay selling?

Message 5 of 36
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Re: Childish and annoying

Oh Lyndal. I need to settle. I'll settle. I guess I'm really frustrated and the disappointment is real, but as you and Padi point out, it's not doing me any good, and I'm listening ๐Ÿ™‚


I promise, I'm not trying to be difficult or unreasonable. Although, airing 'stuff' here may not have been wise. But that's the depth of my frustration.


Again, I'm prattling.


Advice taken. I'll button it up - everywhere!


Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚



Message 6 of 36
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Re: Childish and annoying

This is why ebay sellers are very active in Faceback forums, which by the way is also leeching experienced sellers away from these boards along with the advice they have to share.


Message 7 of 36
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Re: Childish and annoying

Although I did also receive a warning some time ago and sent a professional but very stern letter showing they had accused an innocent member. And to never make that mistake again.

Received an apology and haven't had a warning since.

I like to think they put a note on my account that I often respond to buyers wanting to look at an item.

image host
Message 8 of 36
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Re: Childish and annoying

@kopenhagen5 wrote:


I like to think they put a note on my account that I often respond to buyers wanting to look at an item.

Ah Kopes, they may have twigged that The Muskies could get irate if they tried it on ya again...........just sayin'.......Fencing.gif 


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 9 of 36
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Re: Childish and annoying

I'm on a couple of the Facebook eBay pages - some very dodgy "advice" being offered on there by some!

Message 10 of 36
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