on 13-03-2018 03:53 PM
Have any of you guys been having trouble with combined postage lately. I had an email from a customer who said Ebay had tod him that I did not do combined postage which is BS. He bought 4 items off me and finished paying $41 in postage . It cost me $ 18 so I refunded the guy $23. Now I suppose I will have to try and get the postal commission excess from Ebay.
on 21-03-2018 01:48 PM
Well the mystery is solved. Apparently in my settings it was ticked that I don't allow combined postage. How it was ticked is a mystery as I have not touched my settings in 15 yreard. The tick has now been removed and normal service is resumed.
It's still not going to help if your buyer is using the mobile app.
If you have any further problems get your buyer to use either the classic site on mobile or a desktop computer.
21-03-2018 05:00 PM - edited 21-03-2018 05:01 PM
Well the mystery is solved. Apparently in my settings it was ticked that I don't allow combined postage. How it was ticked is a mystery as I have not touched my settings in 15 yreard. The tick has now been removed and normal service is resumed.It's still not going to help if your buyer is using the mobile app.
If you have any further problems get your buyer to use either the classic site on mobile or a desktop computer.
Until the OP is forced into immediate payment like I am, regardless of settings. It makes no difference whether you are on a mobile or a computer. You hit buy it now, you must pay immediately. You can see the sellers who have immediate payment set as on the postage tab, down the bottom it will say "immediate payment of $XXX required". My listings don't have that, but I am still forced into it against my will.
Edit: I have been able to pay for multiple purchases via the app once an invoice has been sent. That's regardless of whether the items were auctions or BIN's.
on 30-03-2018 09:00 PM
I've been trying to get to the bottom of this Instant Payment problem for awhile.
PC or mobile app is irrelevant.
As a buyer it's so annoying not being able to Commit to Buy items anymore with all the vouchers around. I used to be able to build up a few items over a couple of days - for example a couple of BINs, then wait for a few auctions to finish over the next day or so to then purchase the whole lot with whatever voucher is offered. The reason I would want to Commit to Buy rather than just add to my cart is because I want to secure the item, it might be a one-off or very popular and I don't want to miss it.
PLUS not being able to combine post. It was so much easier to Commit to Buy a couple of items then ask the seller for an invoice. Because alot of the items I buy are from casual sellers, the Request Combined Post tab is greyed out in the cart because they don't know / care about ticking the Allow Combined Post box iin their settings so I have to purchase and then ask for a refund on the excess post.
Anyway, I've been testing alot and it turns out that stores still have the Commit to Buy option on their listings, while non-stores don't. I've tested this enough to find it to be consistent across all stores / non-stores (unless the stores have instant payment which you can see in the Payment and Postage tab).
As a seller without a store, I have tried all the suggestions to get the Commit to Buy button back like ticking the combined post box in settings, allow pick up, bank deposit etc and none work. WIth all the free listings available lately, especially the consistent $1 FVF listings on Sundays since about last November (plus a new job in the real world), I haven't had to have a store for over a year now, but I'm wondering if this is hurting sales so the fees for a basic store might be worth it just to get the Commit to Buy button back. Not just for combined postage, but the ease for buyers to secure items for purchasing in bulk with vouchers - the vouchers do come along pretty regularly after all. Either that or I'll have to make everything auctions, but I truly think BINs are more profitable.