on 03-06-2013 04:28 PM
Hello I have been a regular seller on eBay for over 3 Years and along with the trials and tribulations it has been a lot of fun, and has kept my wife and I very busy, and we love it, now after receiving my Highest bill from eBay ever I was momentarily in shock, the Fees have made it not so much fun any more with the Commission up as well, to nearly 10% why don't they just make it 10% and be done with it.
I have to cut back now as the cost is obviously too high.
After the 40 free Listings, if I put an item on starting at $5 0r $6.00 and it doesn't sell then it has cost me a $1.50, (Is that right)? then it is not worth putting on so then I ask myself are most of the items I put on worth putting on , the Answer is no, if you go to an Auction you don't pay handling fees if the item doesn't sell.
eBay has become greedy and they don't care about the little People like us, and they wouldn't care if we packed up and left, just like the Post Office cut out the 200gram Postage charges.
I know People who only put on 40 items a Month and no more, and I know People who don't bother anymore, out of our 36 Favourite Sellers there is hardly anybody who has items listed.
I am Considering looking at Gumtree, and there is another I heard about recently, they have to be Cheaper than eBay.
If eBay cared about their Customers they would do a Nationwide Survey to find out what we want, if I was in charge I would scrap all this free listings crap and make every item to list 50cents, isn't that so simple, no matter how cheap or expensive the item is, and People would come back, and we would go back to enjoying what we do.
on 03-06-2013 05:13 PM
I agree with you 100% takaman. I too just received the highest seller fees in 5 years. Closed my shop last month when they announced the 80 free listings you now get with a featured store were BIN only. 99% of my items are auctions...BIN doestn't work for me at all.
So after closing my store I save $49.95 & receive 40 free auctions which is another saving of $60 in listing fess ( 1.50 X 40 = $60). I am alot more picky about what I list now which is a shame as I can no longer afford t offer $10 bargains to the buyers who can not afford expensive or new clothing.
About Gumtree...have you not heard ebay in the new owner of that site now.
on 03-06-2013 05:25 PM
I actually received one of my lowest invoices for quite some time last month; partly attributable to lower sales (normal for this time of the year) and also due to 200 free listings available to those with a Featured Store.
Without having spent a great deal of time working out the mathematics of it all, it does appear to me to be the best way of listing items these days. 200 free listings starting on the first of each month, 30 day listing period and $49.95 cost for the store.
The thing that has really miffed me with the recent round of changes is that some of my handmade items, such as library bags and bag tidies (every day items), are now classified as Collectibles, and as such attract a higher FVF rate than previously. Better get in quick for these collectibles]:)
It doesn't matter what site you list on, no one has more passing traffic than ebay, and hence more chance of selling items:-)
on 03-06-2013 05:44 PM
I too have had my largest invoice yet but I'm crossing my fingers hoping it is due to more sales or higher priced items rather than the increased fees - I'm a bit behind with the paperwork for last month and my Ebay sales report will probably be out before I've caught up. I know my sales were down 1st two weeks but picked up in the last two weeks. I too have been slugged with higher FVF for most of my items but may have to look at getting more items into the food and baby categories rather than health & beauty. I agree with motherbear, it is the price we pay for the traffic that Ebay gets as the other place that offers no fees has virtually no traffic either.
on 03-06-2013 05:44 PM
on 03-06-2013 07:20 PM
Depending how many items you wish to list per month you should be able to minimise listing fees to such an extent that you will actually pay less despite the FVF increase.
If you have more than 40 but less than 80 open a second account and sell on both with free listings.
If you are wanting to list 80 or more open a basic store to list list 80 items as BIN for a monthly cost of $19.99, you can also use another id to list up to 40 items as auctions if you want.
If you want to list 200 or more items open a feature store for $49.99
I only sell from Nov to April so have not sold under the new fee structure but did work out what my fees would be based on last sessions figures and with my feature store and two non store ids (one listing as auctions & one as BIN with best offer) my total fees would have been less.
on 03-06-2013 08:48 PM
Agree ebay is greedy, particularly as they push Asian 'stuff ' at the bottom of the seller's item page and/or directly beneath items you may have just bought from Aussie sellers
EBay's reaping it in via advertising. Having it all and every way
Well, they'll drive out all but the most determined Aussie sellers, but I still won't be buying the Asian 'stuff ' pushed and promoted by ebay and I'm confident at least half Aussie ebay buyers are of the same mind. Any time I browse Asian ' stuff ' sellers, the Feedback tells the story: outraged and disgusted Aussies (and other nationalities) warning not to deal with seller for any of a dozen reasons
At the moment and since the start of online buying, eBay's had it all its own way, but worms turn. When sufficient volume of sellers decide they're not going to take it any more, they'll exit ebay for the other site, where listing is free. And sooner or later, buyers will make their way across too. First a trickle but in time a flood. People -- that means sellers and buyers -- want a bargain. If they didn't, they wouldn't be buying or selling online. And eBay's no bargain these days, especially as it's just a middle-man, trading these days on past glory
I feel sorry for sellers. For the most part, they're good guys. More and more, they're coming up against a mercenary monster whose only impetus is greed - greed - greed and treachery
on 03-06-2013 09:24 PM
When sufficient volume of sellers decide they're not going to take it any more, they'll exit ebay for the other site, where listing is free
How many times over the last decade and a half have we heard that one before however ebay is still here, most of the sellers who flounce off to other sites have either come back or stopped selling altogether and the ebay shareholders continue to make money which is all the ebay management are, or should be, concerned with.
It amazes me that most sellers, even those, like myself, who will actually pay less in fees either don't bother or are incapable of doing the calculations to work out how they can list under the new fee structure to actually pay less than they were before the changes.
on 03-06-2013 10:54 PM
The "other" site is increasing in numbers...it's only a matter of time now.
The situation has NEVER gone this far before.....change is on the horizon.
Out with the old...in with the new.
The rhetoric has failed.
on 04-06-2013 06:28 PM
The other site is increasing in number of SELLLERS.
I haven't sold anything there in 4 months and my stuff is cheaper there than here (and not swamped by dropshippers).
My last bill went down - Shop fee dropped $30 + $4 worth of free listings + a slightly lower FVF. And my sales are better than this time last year, as well.
Yoda, if 99% of your items were auctions, why bother having a shop in the first place?