on โ07-05-2013 01:15 PM
I have been making a living on Ebay for over 10 years now. Sales vary at times but a month ago I would have considered $200 a day to be poor. Occasionally I had days of $50 which I usually considered was due to my own failings. This however was very very rare. A good day would be $500+ Well with the new changes recently put into effect by Ebay its a very different picture. Friday I beleive I turned over $48, Saturday $18 Sunday $9. Now $0...... A few days ago i was complaining about an 80% reduction in sales (though it was worse than that) Now nothing at all. All good things must come to an end I suppose.....
on โ08-05-2013 06:42 PM
Im sure it depends on what you are selling. I agree with you in theory. I have always taken change as a challenge and considered it an opportunity to beat our competitors. For small low priced collectables that I sell however that is not possible now. Any reduction in price of item or postage is the last of the profit we make. We will be selling at cost. So if you have room to manouver on your prices then good luck to you. Your one of the lucky few.
on โ08-05-2013 09:07 PM
It's not like you can sell your items in weekend markets, they're useless these days.
As for Australia Post upping their rates, X-(
on โ09-05-2013 03:36 PM
I've been saying for years that ebay and Aust Post were killing themselves and each other via their unstoppable greed
It's past that point now. Ebay items plus postage are often more expensive than brand new items at the local shopping mall
Ebay seems now to be in the process of winding down Aussie ebay, apart from imported flat-packed stuff with astronomical delivery charges and no pick-up
EBay's plan to become the dominant online one-stop shop is doomed to failure. Aussies won't go for it and Americans aren't that much different to Aussies, so it will fall over in the US too. The UK has far smaller travel distances and huge shopping malls all over the place so they've no need to buy mass-produced, flat-packed junk on ebay either. And Asians produce the stuff so the Ebay Giant Online Shopping Mall won't even get off the ground there
Ebay has no humility or loyalty and doesn't give a damn about the lives it's mangling --- yet. But you'll care, ebay. You will learn to care. But by then, entrepreneurs will have filled the gap you left and you'll have Buckley's off worming your way back in
Anyway, it's long past the time new online auction/market-places taught ebay a thing or two. Ebay got in first, but it won't be the last. All the Trust spiel. What a joke, ebay. You let me down. I DID trust you and you tossed me to the kerb. My first big ebay lesson and not forgotten --- because you've let me down so many times since ! So move over, ebay and sit back and watch as others show you how it should be done. Crooks are the online version of street-crims. Ebay, you took the side of the crooks so often. When the new online sites emerge, let's hope they've learned from you about what NOT to do, huh ?
In the meantime, Australia Post has shown us its true colours for well over a decade now. Australia Post -- ' a business owned by the Australian people and administered by the Australian government '. But Aust. Post decided to forget who owned it and instead gouged them relentlessly courtesy of the massive rise in posted items generated by its equally greedy buddy ebay
Well Aust. Post -- guess what ? Ebay has screwed you. How's it feel ? EBay's signing out of Australia and it's back to the usual dribble of business envelopes with upticks at Christmas and Mother's Day. We're not paying your pirate rates any more. We don't have to. We've stopped buying on Ebay because ebay has made it too hard and virtually eliminated good old Aussie sellers. So suck it up, Aust Post. We --- your employers -- have given you the flick
on โ09-05-2013 07:36 PM
We were once a Power Seller and avidly make great weekly sales (under our old Sellers account)...not any more.
I can agree with most of the sentiment on this and other discussion threads, HOWEVER I can't get over the "doom and gloom lets just curl up and die attitude" of Sellers.
Don't just sit hear moaning about it, as simply eBay couldn't care less.
Over the past 14 days I've sold a grand total of $$$ZERO on eBay, however on the Australian fee free QS siteduring the same period I've made over $2,400.
I hear so much bad press from some here on eBay in respect to QS (or "Slowsales" as it's sometimes referred), however this is the site turning a few $$$ for me. Sure it's a bit slow, but if Seller got behind it for 6 months it could quite easily become the New eBay
eBay may not care about Seller's, but their shareholders sure will (eBay is a publically listed on the US Stock Exchange), in particular when their dividend payments dry up.
on โ09-05-2013 09:28 PM
AP is suffering from the vast amount of imported Ebay items they have to deliver. The cost of recouping this is being born by domestic customers.
on โ09-05-2013 09:35 PM
We were once a Power Seller and avidly make great weekly sales (under our old Sellers account)...not any more.
I can agree with most of the sentiment on this and other discussion threads, HOWEVER I can't get over the "doom and gloom lets just curl up and die attitude" of Sellers.
Don't just sit hear moaning about it, as simply eBay couldn't care less.
Over the past 14 days I've sold a grand total of $$$ZERO on eBay, however on the Australian fee free QS siteduring the same period I've made over $2,400.
I hear so much bad press from some here on eBay in respect to QS (or "Slowsales" as it's sometimes referred), however this is the site turning a few $$$ for me. Sure it's a bit slow, but if Seller got behind it for 6 months it could quite easily become the New eBay
eBay may not care about Seller's, but their shareholders sure will (eBay is a publically listed on the US Stock Exchange), in particular when their dividend payments dry up.
For QS to grow Ebay needs to stuff up to an extent that sends buyers looking there, rather than just sending disgruntled sellers. Ebay will be default site for buyers until its search facility becomes too hard. If buyers start to abandon it because that becomes the case, they will undo the causes. Ebay know that buyer presence dictates seller activity. Sellers cant dictate anything on their own
Problem is in the push to totally internationalize Ebay, Aussies are disadvantaged as a result because of AP international postal rates.
on โ09-05-2013 09:42 PM
I don't understand how you can go from making money as a Power Seller to making nothing... eBay changed your fees but the buyers don't have a clue when looking at your listings.
Yeah they've made it harder to sell but adjust with it. List things as lots. Run auctions. Or pack up everything and sell it all off at close to what you would have got anyway by selling it separately. Etc etc...
on โ06-05-2021 03:51 PM
Recent Payment Change, Process Required Bank Account Details & Password.After Calling Other Bank Option didn't Require PASSWORD. Who would give it, WHO Would ASK ? SURELY NOT EBAY.
on โ06-05-2021 03:53 PM
Surely not related to this topic from eight years ago (when Managed Payments was not even a thing on eBay)