Crazy Seller leaving me negative feedback

Community Member

Hi, long story but a seller sold me rubbish and would not refund so I left negative feedback. Now he is using different ebay accounts &  purchasing my items & leaving negative feedback. He just purchased another 2 items last night and will do the same. I have contacted ebay and no help at all. What can I do?

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Re: Crazy Seller leaving me negative feedback

Actually, just wondering - Has anyone else here purchased seeds from a B&M, then taken them back for a refund saying they won't grow or they died ?

No because by the time they did not grow, I long lost the receipt ๐Ÿ™‚  But i also bought seeds on eBay in summer, only to find they should be sown early spring, and so by the time not single one sprouted, it was long after any possibility of complaint .  I was not happy, I bought about $30 worth of seeds in that time :_|


Voltaire: โ€œThose Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocitiesโ€ .
Message 11 of 20
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Re: Crazy Seller leaving me negative feedback

Community Member

I have grown almost anything from seed. $110 for 100 seeds and none of them grew. So I asked the seller for a 50% refund and refused. I'm over the refund...I accept that I got ripped off but him stalking me and leaving negative feedback using different accounts it crazy.

Message 12 of 20
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Re: Crazy Seller leaving me negative feedback

I have grown almost anything from seed. $110 for 100 seeds and none of them grew.

that is steep; I never grew black bamboo from seeds but I grew other colours and they grew as the grass they are  ๐Ÿ™‚

If you'd like some black bamboo, I have a large grove of it.  It used to be really nice but now it is too dense and needs thinning out; if you like to come and dig some out, you are most welcome to take some.

Message 13 of 20
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Re: Crazy Seller leaving me negative feedback


Your feedback to the seller is valid as you had the seed for a month. If so why didn't you take it?


I've just realised I deleted a sentence between those. I meant to write,

Your feedback to the seller is valid as you had the seed for a month. Did the seller really offer refund? If so why didn't you take it?


I think 50% refund sounds fair and if the seller refused I think the seller should have accepted the negative.

Bamboos don't flower so often. So the seeds were very expensive when none of them grow. I understand you are not happy about it. I saw a couple of others commented as bamboos didn't grow in feedback too. Maybe most of the bamboo seeds the seller have are bad.

I hope phone call will fix up your negative feedback. Make sure block both IDs too.

We have bamboo in backyard. we bought a small bamboo in a pot from nursery. They are growing along whole back fence and very tall. They block smoke come from wood burner in the house on the back. Maybe you get baby bamboo next time. It will definitely grow.

Message 14 of 20
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Re: Crazy Seller leaving me negative feedback


Bamboos don't flower so often. So the seeds were very expensive when none of them grow.

It is said that bamboo only flowers once in 20 (?) years, it flowers simultaneously all around the word and then it dies.  But bamboo is a grass, and it produces copious amount of seeds, and in my experience the seeds are very easy to grow.  I bought tiny seed packets of several different bamboo types, and they all grew!  
I have had this black bamboo for 25 years and it has not flowered as yet.  In one stage, about 15 years ago, I was looking to buy some black bamboo seeds, but all the sellers told me that black bamboo has not flowered for many years and therefore they do not have any.  Which means that this seller sold the OP very old seeds, which had no chance to grow.

Message 15 of 20
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Re: Crazy Seller leaving me negative feedback

Community Member

The seller only offered a $17 dollar refund which I refused. I opened a paypal dispute but no buyer protection for seeds so I didnt get anything back. When the seller used his other used ID to leave negative feedback, I had a look at his feedback & saw that he bought the seeds from South Africa for cheap. He has sneaked seeds in Australia...dodgy!

I ended up buying black bamboo seedlings from ebay which are doing well so far ๐Ÿ™‚ but it is the running type so I'm worried it will take over my yard.

Message 16 of 20
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Re: Crazy Seller leaving me negative feedback

I have bought some expensive seeds through eBay and many have failed to even shoot but I never thought I could get a refund.

I am sure that some sellers remove seeds from the paper packets so that the buyer can't see a plant by date.

I do live in hope that it is a very, very small number of sellers doing that.

However I have been so badly burnt by buying seeds that I am no longer willing to buy them through eBay.

Message 17 of 20
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Re: Crazy Seller leaving me negative feedback

Did you buy $110 of each listing or was the total of the 2 purchases equal to $110 ?

Message 18 of 20
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Re: Crazy Seller leaving me negative feedback

I ended up buying black bamboo seedlings from ebay which are doing well so far ๐Ÿ™‚ but it is the running type so I'm worried it will take over my yard.

You definitely need to contain them  ๐Ÿ™‚  And be careful not to have them near fence; it is too difficult to stop them escaping into next door garden.


Voltaire: โ€œThose Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocitiesโ€ .
Message 19 of 20
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Re: Crazy Seller leaving me negative feedback

Community Member

I was going to buy some seeds from ebay but thanks guys i think i will stick with flower power or bunnings.

thanks for the heads up.

Message 20 of 20
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