DSR ratings and general ebay feedback

I would like to share my thoughts in regards to the feedback, or more importantly the DSR (detailed seller ratings).I'm a top rated seller and have been for some time. I don't support this program and I will list the reasons why:Computer generated system of DSR rating, or the stars includes the following:
Item as described - I wander how can one rate the description as neither accurate, or inaccurate. It is either accurate, on inaccurate.Postage and handling charges - these are clear right from the beginning of the listing to all the buyers to see and decide whether is affordable for them. So to have this option as a 5 star rating is completely outrages. Buyers don't have to bid, if they don't agree with the postal charges.

Communication - It is very important to communicate from both ends. This rating should also be removed as it simple to express how you feel in your feedback.Postage time - Sellers have no control over how long it takes for the item to reach its destination. So, once another ridicules optionthat forms DSR rating. 
Filling the DSR ratings is also subject to an error, simple human error which occurs all the time.It is also a subject to malicious manipulation. I don't say this lightly, but it has happened to me before.Also if the buyer happens to be disgruntled about the item description, or postal charges they are likely to give you a low score on all 4.
I strongly feel that ebay should go back to the old way of operating, when the sellers simply sold stuff and this level of competitionwas not as evident as it is now.Also there is no protection here for the seller, once when item is sold if it has not been paid for. You have an option of starting an unpaid item strike.This is complete nonsense, as if the buyer was going to pay, they would pay anyway. I not only sell, but also buy from my ebay account.I have never left anyone a negative feedback as I have on most occasions resolved my issues with the seller. This tool (negative feedback)that is only available for a buyer should also change and only became an option if all the other measures have failed.

Please feel free to post your thoughts and thank you for reading!

Message 1 of 46
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Re: DSR ratings and general ebay feedback

hey briaftrisam - phorum junkie is using their forum id not their selling one and they have a lot of experience and a few different ebay businesses so best not to jump to conclusions ๐Ÿ˜›

Message 11 of 46
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Re: DSR ratings and general ebay feedback

And I disagree that they are of no consequence. Losing TRS at the moment does affect positioning in best match which CAN impact on your sales (just how much will vary). In the US (and no doubt it will come here as well eventually) there are quite significant discounts for TRS

Agree totally! They are of consequence. Probably even more than is realised. If a seller strives for a perfect DSR and for reasons - especially if caused by ill-informed/spiteful buyers - lose their TRS status, some are bound to fall into a temporary disheartened "well stuff it then" mode. Consequenty making their performance standard lower. A rather downward spiral.


Ebay needs to look into ways to encourage sellers to perform to their highest standard and even reward them for doing so, not penalise them for having a few troublesome buyers. You can block buyers who have low fb's or NPB claims, but there is no way of blocking those that are just plain idiots.


I think the DSR principle is good - to see at a glance if there is certain shortfalls with a seller, but the way ebay set about it was poorly done, then bringing in the whole TRS was as good as slitting it's throat.



Message 12 of 46
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Re: DSR ratings and general ebay feedback

My DSRs are well above average but not being 5.0 are obviously tainted.

Message 13 of 46
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Re: DSR ratings and general ebay feedback

They need to do something given that this is stated in the feedback manipulation policy




Not allowed


"Manipulating another memberโ€™s detailed seller ratings (DSRs) through a combination of repeat purchases and low DSRs to reduce another userโ€™s Feedback scores, or showing a pattern of leaving positive Feedback with consistently low DSRs"


also not allowed


"Taking actions or using tools to figure out the detailed seller ratings that a buyer left for a specific transaction (DSRs are meant to be anonymous)"


So................. How can anybody but ebay research whether a buyer has

showed a pattern of leaving positive Feedback with consistently low DSRs


when in the next clause they also state


To take actions or use tools to figure out the detailed seller ratings that a buyer left is not allowed


and also against policy.


................so either ebay checks and enforces that policy or maybe............. ebay just expects the buyer to rollover and confess


................. FFS :^O



 self serving and impossible to enforce  policies does not help ebay's community integrity......... moreover akin to the leopard showing their spots IMO


ie If you report a buyer after investigating low dsrs with reports and identifying that they are indeed breaching policy............then you are breaching policy too .......................



Message 14 of 46
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Re: DSR ratings and general ebay feedback

Thank you all for expressing your views on this and also for the manner you went about it; concise, informative and professional.
I will address the issue of anonymity first as the very important point has been raised by an ebay member.. How can a seller improve their service if they don't know who left them low DSR ratings??? If the seller was operating from the shop / premise they get to meet their customers and listen to their needs and requirements. This is what a good service is all about. If there is a complaint, it would get addressed, (and I can only speak for myself here) in a professional and amicable manner. Most shop owners that I have ever dealt with operate like this. Communication and honesty are very important to me, but how can anything be resolved, or even communicated, if you don't know who you are dealing with - anonymous DSR.

. Low volume sellers like my self are encouraged to sell more to overcame the issue of low DSR. I find this very interesting, as it seems that the whole system is designed not to look at sellers positive feedback, or encourage good service, but the volume of sales that one generates. I believe that the over 45 sales in one month would lower the percentage. I'm not certain by how much. So once more Ebay is making more money. I don't have a problem with a notion of making money as such, but respect seems to be seriously lacking when it comes to how ebay treats its sellers.

. Positive, or negative feedback as far as the buying goes is a fair tool of expressing dissatisfaction. I have not had one yet, I always strive for the best of outcomes, communicate and always include detailed item description with plenty of photos. I in most cases post within the same day of receiving the payment. Nevertheless I feel that the negative feedback option should be removed as it serves no purpose when it comes to resolving an issue. If Ebay can come up with all the other measures that are used to monitor sales, they could intervene here as well. Negative feedback is not a "tit for tat" tool, and is often used this way. It has been removed from the sellers for that very reason, and if this was a democratic system, it should be removed from the buyer.

I will also like to address a view raised by phorom_junkie* Things have not gone pear shaped for me, nor do I expect them to do so in foreseeable future. I'm not particularly stressed, just simply concerned about what I consider to be an important issue, not just for me, but many others. I would also appreciate if you could not refer to other ebay members as fools in this particular discussion, because they happen to disagree with you. If you are so correct and experienced as you claim to be, join the forum with your ebay sellers user id. This is a sellers topic after all. That may give you some credibility, as everything else could be fictional.
Many thanks!

Message 15 of 46
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Re: DSR ratings and general ebay feedback

I think, generally, the ebayers that don't take the feedback and DSR's too seriously have a more enjoyable experience.


We all come across the occasional customers that have no idea how to conduct themselves and that is why we should always use feedback and DSR's as a guide only.


For most ebayers, not being their livelihood, don't overthink it.


Med venlig hilsen.

image host
Message 16 of 46
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Re: DSR ratings and general ebay feedback

I believe that the over 45 sales in one month would lower the percentage. I'm not certain by how much.

It would only lower your DSR percentages if -

a) They were lower than the existing ones, or

b) They were lower than the 12 month old ones dropping off.

Call some place paradise, kiss it goodbye - Don Henley
Message 17 of 46
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Re: DSR ratings and general ebay feedback

I think everyone should be made to leave feedback after a period of time has lapsed and you should be able to purchase anything until you have.

Message 18 of 46
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Re: DSR ratings and general ebay feedback


Message 19 of 46
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Re: DSR ratings and general ebay feedback

Ok - if some of us would like change, perhaps use of the suggestion forum/box would be appropriate, I can't remember where it is, but I think I I'll go looking.


I personally think the DSR system is flawed - my suggestion will be to remove it for many of the reasons stated above - or allow us to address the issues with our customers. - and why?


Because at present a lovely positive feedback can be left - with 4 - 1 star ratings - and we never get the opportunity to address the problem.

Message 20 of 46
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