Does AP sort parcels according to handwritten address or PO label?

Community Member

They made a mistake with one of mine; they put the wrong postcode on the label (they did the same postcode twice instead of 2 different ones).


Of course, it's a long weekend in the southern states so I can't contact them.:womansad I have sent an on-line enquiry but tthat will take days to get a reply, I imagine.

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Re: Does AP sort parcels according to handwritten address or PO label?

Imagine how much mail AP could send, and the prices they could reasonably charge, if they actually sent things where they were supposed to go.


I imagine a truck half-full of wrongly directed (by them) mail is a fairly significant expense. Fuel, wages, wear and tear, mail not dispatched due to the truck being full, staff to man Facebook and Twitter when people work out that raising a case is a waste of time...

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Re: Does AP sort parcels according to handwritten address or PO label?

It's a bit like the thought I once had... Maybe Aus Post wouldn't need to raise their prices every 6 months if they didn't raise their prices every 6 months. Smiley Very Happy


i.e. Every time something changes, they have to design and print new posters, placards, pamphlets and updated booklets. I suppose it also takes a lot of man hours to field the complaints, as well, and quite possibly a little something-something for whatever publication runs with their feeble attempt at PR. 

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Re: Does AP sort parcels according to handwritten address or PO label?

I've got a parcel that's wandering between Bairnsdale and Sunshine West. I posted it from rural Western Vic on Thursday and it was in Morwell before 7am the next morning, then it took till Tuesday to get to Bairnsdale. Then it was scanned four times in Bairnsdale in one day, the third time saying "awaiting collection at Bairnsdale" when the buyer didn't live at Bairnsdale at all. Next thing it was back at Sunshine West but that was early yesterday morning. I pack extra well these days because the more times they're loaded onto a truck the more chance there is of damage - and of getting lost altogether.
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