Does anyone know what this is?

Community Member

It's about 18 cm long, both ends screw off and has three round plastic circles on it.





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Re: Does anyone know what this is?

And you know where they insert them dont you  ?.....Smiley Very Happy


Yes, under the armpit..............Smiley Very Happy


Why the symmetrical bulbous ends though ? 


pnc, can you load a pic using the loader here as your pic comes up very small.

Select the icon 2 to the right of the smiley, scenery looking icon and follow the prompts. If you have the pic on your desktop, very easy.

image host
Message 11 of 140
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Re: Does anyone know what this is?

It is definitely not a medical thermometer case David.....I have had a number of those over the years and they are a lot smaller that then item in the OP.


If both ends screw off I doubt that it is a thermometer case of any kind....there would be no protection if both ends came off.

Message 13 of 140
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Re: Does anyone know what this is?

Will try my best! Woman Happy 


25.jpg (2).pngYay!!!  Success!!

Message 14 of 140
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Re: Does anyone know what this is?

A baton of some sort?


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 15 of 140
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Re: Does anyone know what this is?

a real head scratcher of a mystery.

the fact its got plastic in it sort of makes it reasonably modern.

when i worked in the defense industry workshops i saw lots of strange impliments with metal cases but nothing exactly like that.

anything fragile was kept in metal cases.

but then it could be an impliment in itself.


could easily be medical too.


i'm going to call it a 'dooflangy'


boss tells worker 'go get me a dooflangy! and be quick about it!'

Message 16 of 140
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Re: Does anyone know what this is?

then theres the medical version

doctor "forceps, swab, suction quickly! OMG, give me a DOOFLANGY!'


any other ideas?

Message 17 of 140
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Re: Does anyone know what this is?

Haha you'd wanna make sure that you get the correct dooflangy for the doc otherwise it could be the difference between life or death for the dooflangy patient.

Message 18 of 140
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Re: Does anyone know what this is?

Community Member

I found it in the linen cupboard.


The only person other than family who has been in the house is the curtain man, so don't know if that's relevant or not.


It is hollow all of the way though and the diameter is approx. 1.2 cm in the middle section. 


The 3 plastic rings slide up and down freely and come off when the ends are removed.


It really does have me mystified


Just had a though - used to keep hairdryers, curling wands etc in there, but I really don't think it belonged to them.

Message 19 of 140
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Re: Does anyone know what this is?

Aha it's a curtain ring holder hahaha

Message 20 of 140
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