on โ28-12-2014 10:10 PM
on โ29-12-2014 04:40 AM
on โ29-12-2014 05:59 AM
on โ29-12-2014 06:31 AM
100% agree.
the problem is everyone allows eBay to do as they please by continuing to use there platform.
we can all whinge day in day out but until people take a stand and stop listing nothing now or in the future will change.
this is why eBay & paypal do what they do because they don't fear anything as they know people will hate what they do but will continue to use there service. If sellers stopped waisting there time complaining here on the forums where eBay don't even bother checking and do something that grabs ebays attention ( stop listing for 3 months).
sales are at an all time low here and with high fvf and postage fees to me it makes sence now would be the time to bring ebay to its knees. 3 months of sellers not listing will force ebay to step back and make changes or fold and cost shareholders millions. but we all know this wont happen because people will always put there own needs first before taking a stand and making it better for everyone.
on โ29-12-2014 06:37 AM
Agree wholeheartedly.
But we need the income to survive. If we did not list for 3-months then we can't eat etc. Minor 3rd world problem perhaps!
We are going to try "Betsy" in the new year. It seems to be gathering some momentum and the overall fees are around 33% lower than ebay. If that can get running sufficiently welll for us then we would be in a position to can listings here for 3-months.
on โ29-12-2014 09:43 AM
Clarry, be careful of Betsy's listing fees, they are in US dollars & cents - the further our dollar goes down the more Betsy is actually charging us.
I haven't had any sales with them (in a couple of days short of 2 months), actually no lookers on all but 1 - I'm just going to leave the items run their course & then not relist.
on โ29-12-2014 09:44 AM
More information needed. Have they taken the refund from you, is it for item not as described or change of mind?
Ebay can refrund the buyer but cover the cost of the refund themselves if the seller has done nothing wrong.