EBAY'S NEW HEALTH CHECK - I think it is seriously SICK!!

Just received eBay's latest assistance to sellers *Ebay's NEW HEALTH CHECK* .


This may be old news but they are moving timed BUY IT NOW and will move all my listings to GOOD TIL CANCELLED. Well that is not what I want but then again we have no say. 


This does not suit me for many reasons with something new I like to use 10 days as an option. The rest are 30 day listings which gives me the option to adjust the listings if they are not attracting buyers or watches. I will sometimes group them with other items etc. 


I find the 30 day listings far more manageable for my business needs. 


So if all fixed listings are good til cancelled I dare say the next step will be for those with ebay stores will be reduced with the amount of fixed listings in their subscription. 


Good til cancelled also means there will be a hell of a lot of old stock on there for years or if I remember correctly they were bringing in limited time for listings.


I have had my vent but OH SO FRUSTRATING makes me wonder why I am doing this. 


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EBAY'S NEW HEALTH CHECK - I think it is seriously SICK!!

Unfortunately with GTC there is no control.

The listings roll over every 30 days unless you end them yourself.

Does Ebay penalise sellers who end too many items on a regular basis? I vaguely remember seeing something quite a while ago.
Message 21 of 374
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EBAY'S NEW HEALTH CHECK - I think it is seriously SICK!!

As I read it, for the holder of a basic store

- previously, the limit of 600 free listings per month was only theoretical, since with using AR and judicious timing, you could list far in excess of 600, but

- now the 600 will be an actual limit, and before their current listing times run out, you will have to delete the excess over 600 or pay listing fees for them.

Message 22 of 374
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EBAY'S NEW HEALTH CHECK - I think it is seriously SICK!!

Yes totally sick 

I chatted with them about it.

I was told that all fixed price listings would automatically move on the 19th Feb or soon after.

I was also told that I could edit those listings to change them back again.

So I hope that's right and we still have options.

Message 23 of 374
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EBAY'S NEW HEALTH CHECK - I think it is seriously SICK!!

You can still have 30 day listings with the 'Advanced Listing' form.

Not sure how that one will work - but it will 'save' having to 'end' GTC listings before they roll over.

Message 24 of 374
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EBAY'S NEW HEALTH CHECK - I think it is seriously SICK!!

Bet you can't edit the 'improved ebay' GTC listings back to 30 days come 19 Feb.

Options??? This is ebay...just when you figure out where you stand - they move the goal posts!!

Message 25 of 374
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EBAY'S NEW HEALTH CHECK - I think it is seriously SICK!!

I read the extra info on durations according to which listing tool you use and that seems to be the current policy, not what will apply after the 19th. They point you to that page for more information but they can't actually update that page until the new policy takes effect.

I think with some aspects we'll just have to wait and see how it works.

@ stamps, I believe it's only auctions with a bid on them that they penalise you for ending too many.


@ digi, the only underperforming listing I had showed that way within a week of me listing it for the very first time.  Smiley Frustrated

Message 26 of 374
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EBAY'S NEW HEALTH CHECK - I think it is seriously SICK!!

Not sure about that.

The link led to the CURRENT help page.

Will that still be the case from 19th February?
Message 27 of 374
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EBAY'S NEW HEALTH CHECK - I think it is seriously SICK!!

Thanks brerrabbit.

And we were too slow re the current vs proposed policy comment.
Message 28 of 374
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EBAY'S NEW HEALTH CHECK - I think it is seriously SICK!!

Community Member

And there's no way to remove the auto relist in bi=ulk? Is that correct? So one by one......


I can see the number of itewm advertised on ebay dimishing considerably.



So auctions are exmpt from the new 'healthy' ebay? is that correct?  Tia. Trying to get head around it all.

Message 29 of 374
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EBAY'S NEW HEALTH CHECK - I think it is seriously SICK!!

Just got off the phone to them.


You get 40 free listings per month, GTC duration will be 30 days, if they get listed on day 1 and then on day 31 of the month they relist you get charged fees - verified.


Question, Who gives ebay the right to use the word "month" and then define it as a 30 day duration when the word month means month?


The ACCC needs to sink their teeth into this one.


Yeah I know, I watch too much of JAG.


BTW he was going to pass on feedback to their marketing team, fat chance of that happening.


Message 30 of 374
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