Ebay DSRs System Has Lost The Plot

So Ebay completely closes down my 12 year old Ebay business because my performance is below standard.


My last evaluation on 20th September for the period 1st June to 31st August was below standard.


Below are my figures:


Item As Described - Required 1.20% My Rating 0.46%


Communication - Required 2.40% My Rating 0.57%


Postage Time - Required 2.40% My Rating 2.64%


Postage & Handling Charges - Required 2.40% My Rating 0.57%


So for the miniscule amount of 0.24% over the requirement for Postage Time, regardless of the fact that everything else is well above what is required, they decide to restrict my selling from 15,000 items to 0.



This is despite the fact that for the period 1st July to 30th September, my figures are 0.59%, 0.79%, 1.98% and 0.69% as you read down, which is well within the requirements.


So without even a warning, Ebay closes down my total ability to sell anything.  I realise that Ebay has requirements, but having met them for the past 3 months and continuing to do so, it apparently means nothing to Ebay.


Message 1 of 49
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Re: Ebay DSRs System Has Lost The Plot

@arb_games wrote:

Yeah I should go alright at markets with what I sell, should at least try until Christmas when it should be busy.


All the listings are in my unsold folder so hopefully I can still use them when Ebay decide to get their act together and I decide to continue on with Ebay.


At the moment, I am in two minds as to whether to bother with Ebay any longer

I would back them up in turbolister if you haven't already arb - they disappear after a couple of months, and if in the future you can sell again, as you said it may be on a restricted selling account, a turbolister back up would give you longer term access to them. 

Message 41 of 49
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Re: Ebay DSRs System Has Lost The Plot


Message 42 of 49
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Re: Ebay DSRs System Has Lost The Plot

Arb - watch your store too. Since its still open, you will be paying the store fee on it (and any extra subs) even if there are no listings.


Message 43 of 49
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Re: Ebay DSRs System Has Lost The Plot

I don't know if someone answered this but I noticed some of the replies stated you couldn't list on ebay plus elsewhere. This of course is correct if you only have one of that item. But if you have 3 of the same, there is nothing stopping you listing one on ebay, and the other two elsewhere. Probably doesn't help you arb, but thought I'd point that out because a couple posters appeared to be unsure.


My advice to anyone selling like this (because I do), would be to keep a very very close eye on your inventory. Even keep separate inventory for each selling location.


Originally I was happy just to sell on ebay, however ebay proved to be very unreliable with huge swings in sales that appeared to have no outside influence other than ebay's own manipulation of search results and so on. Ebay themselves have forced those of us who rely on sales to stretch our wings and find other selling venues.

Message 44 of 49
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Re: Ebay DSRs System Has Lost The Plot

@arb_games wrote:

Who are you calling tool, Ebay or me?  I hope it's Ebay.


Nobody intimated that you or anybody else was an implement of any description but please tell me why a posting that specifically says "in reply to phorum_junkie* " would make you think the comment was aimed at you. If I had something to say to you, don't worry you would know it was you I had in mind.

"Padches? We ain't got no padches. We don't need no padches. I don't have to show you any stinking padches".
Message 45 of 49
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Re: Ebay DSRs System Has Lost The Plot

Sorry billycan, I didn't notice that you were replying to the serial poster phorum junkie lol

Message 46 of 49
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Re: Ebay DSRs System Has Lost The Plot

I already changed my store from the $500 one to the basic at $20 per month as I am still deciding as to whether to bother with Ebay anymore.  After 12 years of running a successful Ebay business, they can shut you down just like that.


I always thought I was trading in Australia, not some communist country. lol

Message 47 of 49
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Re: Ebay DSRs System Has Lost The Plot

It will be fine, I have all the descriptions saved on my own website so if they go, they go. It will probably be easier to relist everything from scratch anyway.
Message 48 of 49
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Re: Ebay DSRs System Has Lost The Plot

And did you bother to look at all the greens?


And did you bother to look at my entire feedback record which shows a vast improvement during the past 3-4 months?


And if you bothered to read some of the reds, you will see that some are not even my fault.


Bad disc was a customer problem, I tried to work with them to fix it as their computer was not compatible with the software, but  they chose to just leave negative feedback.


Expensive postage when that customer was only charged $8.45 when it costs $6.95 for the postage alone, not including the envelope and handling costs.  And 2 weeks for it to arrive is not my fault, that is Australia Post.


And a couple of other reds were for items not received when in fact they were sent, and there is one there from a non-payer as well.


I'm the first to admit that I dropped the ball there for a while but during the past 3-4 months I have worked my backside off to improve everything, but mistakes happen as I am only human. 



Message 49 of 49
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