Ebay DSRs System Has Lost The Plot

So Ebay completely closes down my 12 year old Ebay business because my performance is below standard.


My last evaluation on 20th September for the period 1st June to 31st August was below standard.


Below are my figures:


Item As Described - Required 1.20% My Rating 0.46%


Communication - Required 2.40% My Rating 0.57%


Postage Time - Required 2.40% My Rating 2.64%


Postage & Handling Charges - Required 2.40% My Rating 0.57%


So for the miniscule amount of 0.24% over the requirement for Postage Time, regardless of the fact that everything else is well above what is required, they decide to restrict my selling from 15,000 items to 0.



This is despite the fact that for the period 1st July to 30th September, my figures are 0.59%, 0.79%, 1.98% and 0.69% as you read down, which is well within the requirements.


So without even a warning, Ebay closes down my total ability to sell anything.  I realise that Ebay has requirements, but having met them for the past 3 months and continuing to do so, it apparently means nothing to Ebay.


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Ebay DSRs System Has Lost The Plot

The last 18 months or so, I've only been selling around $120,000 per year.


Lots of customers seem to think that most sellers make like 60-80% markup but that's only the case in clothes and jewellery.


I generally mark up around 30% and after all the costs, I get a lot less than that.


But before the retail downturn, I was turning over around $250K a year, which at the end of the day means around $20K profit, so yes, I am living on the breadline so to speak but I'm only hear to pay the bills, not really interested in getting rich. 


And yes, that's a lot of packing to do, I do everything myself, from ordering the stock, to listing, to packing orders and addressing the packages, taking them to the post office etc.


You don't need that much bubble wrap if you used the bubble wrap padded envelopes that I use.  And bigger items go into boxes.



Message 31 of 49
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Ebay DSRs System Has Lost The Plot

I was thinking of opening up a retail shop, but when you think that there is rent to pay, insurance, initial shop fittings and wages because you can't stay there all day every single day like you can do with an online store, it's just too risky. 


Much cheaper spreading your wings and doing 4 different markets per month.  I was thinking of one in Bathurst, Orange, Mudgee and the Blue Mountains.

Message 32 of 49
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Ebay DSRs System Has Lost The Plot

At the end of the day, I'm just a hardworking sole trader just happy to pay the bills.


I pride myself on my honesty, but I do make mistakes, even though I try to avoid them.


Just a typical Aussie guy having a go.


But Ebay seems to think that most sellers seem to want to rip customers off, and that all customers are angels - the current feedback system and DSR system reflects that.

Message 33 of 49
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Ebay DSRs System Has Lost The Plot

Isn't that funny, when i think about you and your relationship to eBay, tool comes to my mind as well.

"Padches? We ain't got no padches. We don't need no padches. I don't have to show you any stinking padches".
Message 34 of 49
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Ebay DSRs System Has Lost The Plot

Please say you have all those pulled listings in Turbo Lister or somewhere and that they have not vanished for good?

l'd cry for a week if that happened to me.

Hope you sort it all out soon and get back online.


But yes, sometimes the bigger weekend markets are better than a B&M but l guess it depends on what you sell. l closed my B&M store several years ago and stick to online selling, markets and outside work.

My sister sold entirely at weekend markets and opened a B&M store about 11 months ago. The rent is crippling so she has just purchased a shop in the same town on the highway. Business is booming for her (second hand goods) in her shop but she found the markets fizzling out.

You have to travel whichever way works for you.


Good Luck.

Message 35 of 49
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Ebay DSRs System Has Lost The Plot

Who are you calling tool, Ebay or me?  I hope it's Ebay.

Message 36 of 49
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Ebay DSRs System Has Lost The Plot

Yeah I should go alright at markets with what I sell, should at least try until Christmas when it should be busy.


All the listings are in my unsold folder so hopefully I can still use them when Ebay decide to get their act together and I decide to continue on with Ebay.


At the moment, I am in two minds as to whether to bother with Ebay any longer

Message 37 of 49
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Ebay DSRs System Has Lost The Plot

Start a new ID,your neg feedback looks very bad,it's a wonder you have any sales with all the reds.

Message 38 of 49
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Ebay DSRs System Has Lost The Plot

and another little ray of sunshine has just come into the world

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 39 of 49
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Ebay DSRs System Has Lost The Plot

Gotta love somebody who starts a new ID just to kick somebody.


I'd hazard a guess that most regulars don't have a soft spot for arb, but that we are pretty much unanimous that he has been shafted in this instance.

Message 40 of 49
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