Ebay charging fees including postage

How does Ebay allowed to charge a final fees which include the postage - I would have thought that the postage cost was only the seller and Australia post - how do they get away with it - loophole in the system may be
Message 1 of 95
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Ebay charging fees including postage

Hey, I have a real job and family. I get up at 5am every day including Christmas, to get out to work but because I have my own business I can choose when and how often I try to help people with Ebay problems. I do have a real life just like all the others who post here.

Now, who is being discourtious?

Education is what you get from reading the small print. Experience is what you get from not reading it.
Message 61 of 95
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Ebay charging fees including postage

@2009gumbygirl wrote:

what a very discourteous response....but then I guess that anyone with enough time on their hands to post on average 7.75 times a day  WOULD be a bit disgruntled about not having a real life...my goodness! Who has time for that? Some of us have jobs, families and terminal illnesses to contend with.

I have a real life thank you.

My family are all grown up and married with children of their own.

My husband at 75 years young still works 12-13 hours a day in his own business and I work part time from home in the same business.

I have gone through the deaths of both my parents and in-laws while posting on the boards...............

And guess what....even though I am not a seller on ebay I was aware of the introduction of fees on postage some 4 or more years ago.


Could you please work out my posting rate....I would rather spend the time helping members than waste time on working out figures that mean nothing.

Message 62 of 95
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Ebay charging fees including postage

Roughly 5 a day.


Pretty slack, really.

Message 63 of 95
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Ebay charging fees including postage

Some posts/posters are not worth replying to Dave.

But you are right, I'll have to lift my game in the future.Smiley Embarassed

Message 64 of 95
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Ebay charging fees including postage

Yes, lift your game Lyndal. I was about to claim the title of supreme leader of the entire eBay universe.......until I realised that Stawks trumped me with double my percentage rate. I feel so inferior now.

Message 65 of 95
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Ebay charging fees including postage

I'll lift my game when you start buying and selling to get the experience needed to answer questions on the boards Tippy.

There's a challenge for you.Smiley LOL


Should we tell her about posting accounts or let her live in blissful ignorance?

Message 66 of 95
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Ebay charging fees including postage

But, I have no plans to ever buy and sell. I just like hanging around forums for things I have absolutely no interest in. I also belong to a site that deals with pottery coffee mugs and power points.

Message 67 of 95
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Ebay charging fees including postage

@2009gumbygirl wrote:


another way of looking at it is that stawks has averaged 19.97 20 kudos per day.  This is an indication that her contributions on these boards are appreciated by others, seen as being helpful, entertaining or liked.

Message 68 of 95
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Ebay charging fees including postage

@*tippy*toes* wrote:

But, I have no plans to ever buy and sell. I just like hanging around forums for things I have absolutely no interest in. I also belong to a site that deals with pottery coffee mugs and power points.

True story........ There are people who are fascinated by old power points, particularly the bakelite ones. They are avid collectors and some power points can bring good money. The brochures and booklets for old electrical fittings can also bring VERY good money, particularly the early Australian companies.  .......................     JUST SAYIN !!!!


I,m not into old power points, but I am interested in what makes money on ebay.....Smiley Wink

Message 69 of 95
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Ebay charging fees including postage

On ebay fees, I just listed a book for auction through one of my stores. $24.95 starting price, specialist field ( not books ) no extra subtitles or add ons. The ebay fee was $3.30.......ouch !!!............... Ebay certianly want to discourage stores from running auctions.

Message 70 of 95
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