on 03-10-2019 11:45 AM
For the last 2 days when I go to print a lable i get a blank screen. Anyone else having this issue? Or know how to fix it. Ebays lack of service department were their normall less then helfful selfs.
on 15-11-2020 09:14 PM
I ran into problems printing the barcodes too. I'm using a Mac on high sierra. Preview didn't work, chrome didn't work but luckily Firefox did work.
So if you're having problems try using firefox or Adobe reader.
on 28-10-2021 11:38 AM
Had the same problem.
My buyer had a bad address.
In my case he had mis-spelled the suburb, so the automated eBay / Sendle interface bounced it.
I went and edited the 'ship to' address, and it went through A-OK.
on 28-10-2021 06:28 PM
I'm sure the OP is ecstatic to get this information (also posted on many more recent threads) TWO YEARS after they asked the question.