on โ16-08-2012 12:23 PM
Do you think Ebay will ever restore the feedback system to how it use to be 'FAIR'. ?
Sellers not be allowed to leave a negative feedback for a buyer is as every seller know's completely unfair.
Both buyers and sellers should have the same rights, to leave feedback on their transaction. If a seller has had a bad experience with a non- paying buyer or one of 1000 others reason's why can't this be reflected on the buyers feedback?
If I could see that a buyer has many neg's I would block them from my store.
Shouldn't a seller have that option?
on โ16-08-2012 06:45 PM
kokomobua, I've seen that mentioned before by others and I used to agree at first. Then when I thought about it I decided I would rather buy from sellers who had built up feedback at least for buying if not for selling, than members with no feedback at all. So ultimately I can see a reason for buyer feedback if used properly.
In the case of bad buyers it would help if more sellers went through the dispute process, and also stopped leave positive fb for them which many still do, increasing the positive score ๐
on โ16-08-2012 07:15 PM
Can't force a buyer to leave a positive (or even accurate) feedback and unless it's blatantly malicious, you have to wear it. It would be nice to know why some buyers gave certain feedback but in the end, aslong as you keep doing your best and trying to improve the service, the feedback score will reflect on that.
on โ16-08-2012 07:38 PM
I would like to see feedback in a buyers profile. If not for anything else, to catch and report repeat offenders. After I get a message from buyer to say that they didn't receive their item, perhaps. Things like "claimed item not received, sent another" or "changed their mind, didn't pay but still bought the same item cheaper from elsewhere".
on โ16-08-2012 07:44 PM
B-) waves to cali ๐
on โ16-08-2012 08:00 PM
waves right back atya koala
on โ16-08-2012 10:50 PM
I am more than happy with the feedback system the way it is.
No longer do decent sellers have to compete against the dreadful ones who used the fact some buyers, actually cared if they got negs or not leave retaliatory feedback as a means of achieving a mutual withdrawal.
No longer do I have to open my items up to any buyer who has failed to pay for more than one item in the last 12 months.
No longer do I have to stop myself from making some 'clever' comment on a carp buyer's account.
In the bad old days I took more notice of how many negs a seller left and how many mutual withdrawals they had when choosing who to buy from.
Any seller who felt the need to neg buyers, especially for non payment, was a seller I would avoid.
on โ17-08-2012 03:57 AM
I am more than happy with the feedback system the way it is.
In the bad old days I took more notice of how many negs a seller left and how many mutual withdrawals they had when choosing who to buy from.
Any seller who felt the need to neg buyers, especially for non payment, was a seller I would avoid.
So, How do you avoid those sellers now PJ??
Why are you more than happy that you cannot ????
You are correct that the ability for sellers to leave negatives sometimes highlighted sellers that had less than desirable customer service habits..... By your own admission the feedback situation as it stands ATM has negatively impacted your buying procedure/experience.....?? ie.. you can no longer exclude/identify perceived standover merchants
....however carry on regardless!!
on โ17-08-2012 04:10 AM
For me, if I was a buyer, it would be negative feedback received and responses thereto, false positives for buyers, all the usual things that show a seller either hasn't read eBay's rules or always think they are right, regardless.
on โ17-08-2012 04:27 AM
so you are looking for the same indicators
.... it's just that they are much more hidden
.....how is that of benefit to buyers it appears a negative to me???
previously the negative slanging match would have shown up like the dogs nads
on โ17-08-2012 04:34 AM
.... previously the negative responding/extorting seller were their own worst enemy. ...
however ebay in their wisdom while protecting buyers collectively have made it harder for buyers to personally decide who to deal with.