Ebays new return policy

eBay have recently changed their policies and it is discriminatory. 90% of all items now listed on eBay are from China. 90% of that rubbish is not fit for purpose or when it finally arrives it is wrong. I can no longer get a refund unless I return the item, that is wrong, I purchase a $10 item and it will cost me $50 or more to send it back, it’s a complete con and something needs to be done. My other issue is that there are many items sold on eBay Australia that do not work on Australian products. Example car parts - i have been sold hundreds of dollars of car parts that only fit a left hand drive car, yet in Australia we only have right hand drive cars, these items should not be able to be sold on an Australian website, they are not fit for purpose. Yet the only way i can get a refund is to return them “TO CHINA” !!!!
THE MEDIA need to know, this should be going viral.

it's supposed to be EBay Australia, not EBay china.

I have sent this to the ACCC, BUT WHO KNOWS

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Ebays new return policy



I do understand your frustration.


I have recently bought some items from another site that ship from China.


I know it is a risk (Paypal not accepted).


But that I figure that is the chance you take with online shopping from any site.


My reasoning is if I can't afford to take the hit - don't buy it.


Think the site looks dodgy - don't buy it.


Really really really want it and you can just that tell you might not get it, it's probably broken, the colour is wrong and a million other things - buy it and suck it up if it is a disappointment.


I really really really wanted the items I purchased, spent about $30ish dollars all up, if I lose it I won't be happy but sometimes the toast lands jam side up :0)


Come on jam!


Kind regards,



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Ebays new return policy

Chameleon, there's a part of me that expects good things, and knows that in order to get that standard, I may need to work harder or do particular things or do them in a particular way or pay more or go out of my way or improve my ability to gauge what makes something good...


... and there's a part of me that expects that life and things won't meet that standard...


... and yet another part that realises that even if I do everything I can, sometimes I won't receive what I want to receive, or I will receive what I don't want to receive.


The trick seems to be to face life with equanimity.

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Ebays new return policy

Image result for if you always do what you've always done  

Message 13 of 15
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Ebays new return policy



It is better to try my very hardest and to fail, than never to try.


Failure is sometimes a measure of commitment.


And sometimes we get through the failure, like a pilot flying through dark stormy clouds.

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Ebays new return policy

If you don't fail, you don't learn.

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