on โ14-10-2013 11:32 AM
Hi all
I'm a store seller and every month i get this message in my inbox, and most months i forget to register.
This is because my inbox is FULL of promotions and notofications from ebay amd messages from customers.
Anyone else angered by this?
Like, eBay, either give us the free listings or dont. Don't make it conditional that i visit a page and click on a button to register for the offer, ensureing half your customers will miss out.
Alas the 5000 free listings offer has just expired... again, potentially $50 off my insertion fees for the month, or thereabouts.
Evidently this is some sort of special privelege, not an entitlement.
Meanwhile casual users automatically get 40 free auction style listings per month without any special agreement, but I miss out because I have an ebay store, and I have to pay $1.50 per auction listing, even tho I pay EXTRA for a store subscription.
I am feeling positively gang raped.
on โ14-10-2013 11:37 AM
ahh whoops. that was september's offer that expired. apparently there are no free lsitings in october
still peeved that i dont get any free auction listings - would be a great way to drive traffic to the ebay store.
on โ14-10-2013 11:40 AM
Well that's a disappointment! I thought you were announcing another 5000 offer.
eBay has had free listing offers for the past 4 months for some sellers. The last one was a month ago so I was hoping for another one this month. If you are eligible for an offer it will be in the Promo section of your SMP summary or All Selling page.
on โ14-10-2013 12:33 PM
How does one know if there are no free listings in October?
on โ14-10-2013 01:00 PM
It's not always 5000. Sometimes it's 1000, sometimes 500. But whatever it is - I would
like it soooon please. This month would be extra nice
โ04-11-2013 02:19 PM - edited โ04-11-2013 02:22 PM
I was just wondering; if you accept one of these 10,000 free listings for a limited time thingies, do you then lose your normal 80 free listings per month? (I am on a $19.95 basic store monthly charge). The reason why I ask is that I can often not even use 80 of the freee ones offered in the promotional period. Then I find I have no more free listings until the end of the month again, so i have actually got to pay more that month than if I had never accepted... I Really only want to accept the freebies if I have laready run out of the 80 free ones. But why should I lose what i pay for each month if i accept a "freebie" - it doesn't seem fair ๐
โ04-11-2013 02:32 PM - edited โ04-11-2013 02:33 PM
You don't lose your free listings if you accept the offer - it is not automatic as some sellers have assumed, you must accept the offer via the promotional link .. the offers of listings are additional to your free listings ... so there is nothing unfair to worry about.
on โ04-11-2013 02:45 PM
@imastawka wrote:It's not always 5000. Sometimes it's 1000, sometimes 500. But whatever it is - I would
like it soooon please. This month would be extra nice
How nice is 10,000 x 2!!! Happy happy happy (tired,tired,tired)
(Yeah, I know duplicate thread)
on โ06-11-2013 10:30 AM
You would get free listing as a store every month and also get lower rates from a casual seller so i dont know why you are windging you get your cake and you eat it as well just because you have a store Big DEAL