on 17-11-2012 02:36 PM
on 17-11-2012 03:01 PM
Yes, she probably means invoice with no postage attached. Send her another, with a note attached pointing out that the postage has been removed.
If she doesn't pay you can still claim your FVF back. After 4 days you can open a dispute and if you hear nothing in another 4 days close it.
Keep all your ebay correspondence and only communicate via the ebay messaging system. If there is complications ebay can look at the communications before making a decision.
Good luck with this one, hopefully it will all work out for you!
on 17-11-2012 03:17 PM
Ahhh... that's what I wanted to hear!
Thanks Colleen!
on 17-11-2012 03:38 PM
If she is going to pay with cash on pick up then it does not matter what is on the invoice.
I would be sending an invoice WITH postage in case you open a dispute and she pays by paypal to close the dispute and at least then she has paid the postage so you can just post it too her.
If she still gives you the runaround then open the dispute (but send an invoice with postage first in case she pays by paypal) and if she has not picked up or paid within 4 days after opening the dispute close it so you get your FVF back, she gets a strike and is blocked from being able to leave any feedback for you.
on 17-11-2012 06:20 PM
What ever she means, it makes no sense; excise is a tax, nothing to do with postage.
I would reply:
dear X;
I am not sure what you mean as there was no excise charged on the item. there are 3 ways we can do this:
1 - cash on pick up
2 - PP payment including postage, and will be posted
3 - DD posted or left here till you collect
either way, I would like the item to be paid for by such&such date
You could also offer option 4 - delivery with extra $5 for your petrol - paid in cash on delivery, or in the bank before delivery.
on 17-11-2012 06:30 PM
The word excise also means delete, so I wouldn't confuse her talking about excise charged on the item (as in a tax). She just means take the postage off.
Just check again that you did remove the postage from the invoice you sent. Sometimes people click "recalculate" to change the invoice and it changes it back to the original showing the postage. The better button to press is "preview" so you can see how the invoice looks before you send it.
So I'd send the invoice and if you haven't heard in a couple of days (not more than 2) open a dispute.
That usually either gets slow payers moving, or gets you on the way to resolving the situation and being able to re-list.
on 17-11-2012 07:30 PM
oops, I thought that word meaning to cut out was a different word and spelled differently 🙂
on 17-11-2012 08:08 PM
It's not generally used outside of surgery, nova.
Remove would have been a better term and less confusing.
Some people just have to show off their erudite vocabularies, I suppose.
on 17-11-2012 08:51 PM
Yes the invoice certain had no postage added.
Funny how she didn't bother checking that, but was 'clever' enough to choose that word instead of just 'remove'.
It made my eyes roll anyway!
on 17-11-2012 08:56 PM
I thought maybe she's in a profession where they use the word 'excise' a lot and it was just habit that she used it.
She mentioned that it was her birthday last Saturday, which was the first time she said she'd pick up *maybe* because she was 'busy, busy, busy' - and now I'm thinking she just learned a new word on her birthday and needed to show that off to me.