on โ09-03-2015 02:49 PM
I am trying to decide if as a seller I will continue to leave feedback. Any thoughts?
on โ09-03-2015 08:28 PM
@stampingpaws wrote:I am trying to decide if as a seller I will continue to leave feedback. Any thoughts?
Whatever the reason, most new buyers particularly, like to receive feedback. They like the thought that the seller is there, recognising their payment; hell, recognising THEM; they have more confidence that their item will be posted promptly.
I have tried both ways and have gone back to leaving instant feedback for payment. Mind you, I don't feel it necessary to glamorise it "excellent buyer" "perfect buyer' because that can bite you in the end .. just acknowledge the payment, say thanks, not so hard.
on โ09-03-2015 09:05 PM
lol I like to "glamorise" my buyers as 999 out of 1000 they are perfect customers.
on โ09-03-2015 09:13 PM
Actually I fibbed in post above
Should be more like 995 out of 1000 are perfect customers - based on a handful of defects received where I have no clue as to why I received them, they may have been deserved but I will never know, as I prefer to concentrate my efforts on the 995 out of 1000.
on โ10-03-2015 08:59 AM
Unless it's a buyer who I know (ie: one who's purchased from me often enough that I recognize their buyer ID), I generally don't leave feedback after I've received feedback from the buyer.
Main reason is that if I receive feedback from the buyer, I know they've received the item and are satisfied, and my leaving feedback therefore concludes the transaction for us both.
As for the whole "leaving feedback for the buyer lets them know that the item's been sent!" reasoning, that's what the "Mark As Sent" bit is there for - the buyer will see that the item has been marked as "posted" in their Purchase History.
on โ10-03-2015 10:12 AM
I don't think leaving it on payment or postage as opposed to leaving it when you get it or when the 60 day limit is nearly up makes a lot of difference, a very high percentage of my buyers leave feedback and I have a perfect record too.
on โ10-03-2015 01:04 PM
The timing for leaving feedback is virtually irrelevant for very good sellers in the grand scheme of things, because for very satisfied customers it simply isn't perceived as an issue. It is only when sellers gravitate towards a barely acceptable (or lower) standard of satisfaction that the perception of feedback coercion and the negative implications that may conjure up, enters the minds of customers. This is when the (sometimes imagined) threat of retaliatory feedback becomes an issue.
on โ10-03-2015 01:14 PM
I leave feedback as soon as I get paid.
I use four feedbacks (I ask for payment within 3 days):
Very fast payment. Many thanks. (when paid same day).
Fast payment. Many thanks. (1 or 2 days)
Payment received. Many thanks. (3 days)
Payemnt received. (late payers)
on โ10-03-2015 07:18 PM
The problem with not leaving it is that it leads to feedback nags.
A buyer actually told me I was a bad seller because I took more than 3 days to leave feedback for them . . . they sent me something like 5 messages about it in 3 days. At that point, I didn't want to leave it just because I was so annoyed, but they were SO angry about it that I thought they might neg me if I didn't.
So I left it for them and then blocked them. How's that for "feedback"? ^_^
on โ12-03-2015 04:06 PM
my reputation as a buyer is established so i'm not fussed if a seller doesn't leave feedback.
i don't care if a buyer leaves me feedback or not for the same reason.
i no longer leave feedback as a buyer but will usually contact the seller to tell them the item arrived safely.
however i ALWAYS leave feedback as a seller as soon as my buyers make payment to demonstrate my genuine appreciation of their custom. i think it's important for the building of a professional relationship. i have many repeat buyers. a thank you is part of good service and one component of a whole positive buying experience. imagine going into a bricks and mortar shop and the assistant not having the time of day to thank you, smile or say hi. they wouldn't see me again. sellers need buyers more than the other way around.
on โ13-03-2015 12:19 AM
@agoraagogo wrote:my reputation as a buyer is established so i'm not fussed if a seller doesn't leave feedback.
i don't care if a buyer leaves me feedback or not for the same reason.
i no longer leave feedback as a buyer but will usually contact the seller to tell them the item arrived safely.
however i ALWAYS leave feedback as a seller as soon as my buyers make payment to demonstrate my genuine appreciation of their custom. i think it's important for the building of a professional relationship. i have many repeat buyers. a thank you is part of good service and one component of a whole positive buying experience. imagine going into a bricks and mortar shop and the assistant not having the time of day to thank you, smile or say hi. they wouldn't see me again. sellers need buyers more than the other way around.
But you don't consider those sellers need feedback. Why not? Do you actually understand how the system works, and the ramifications for sellers if they don't get a reasonable amount of, presumably, positive feedback? As a seller do you instruct your buyers to not leave feedback? Are you a hypocrite?