Follow up to habitual neg feedback buyer.

Hi Guys, sorry for starting a new thread on this  - I wasn't sure if I should just post this on the original post but I am hoping you can help me again.
Hopefully you regular posters remember my dilemma earlier this week with the discrepancy over the shoe measurements with a buyer who is a habitual negative feedback leaver.


Well this evening  I am just so angry!

Buyer won paypal case and returned shoes - I have just opened the package and measured them.


There is absolutely no doubt that they measure EXACTLY what I posted in the listing. 26cm.  

NOT 25 - 25.5 as she claimed in the paypal dispute.

I even went and found another tape measure just to double check that my tape wasn't faulty - lol


So this buyer has lied to Paypal, received a refund and left me negative feedback - when in fact the item was exactly as described in the listing 😞


Do you think I should appeal the paypal decision through the paypal website or would I have better luck by ringing them tomorrow?

Any help with responding to her feedback would also be helpul - I certainly know that the time to leave feedback is definitely not whilst I feel as emotionally charged as I do right now - lol.


Thanks 🙂

Message 1 of 23
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Follow up to habitual neg feedback buyer.

@dresscode2479 wrote:

Just got off the phone to Paypal:-
"We are not an insurance company and we do not have claims specialists.  If a buyer initiates an IND claim will will ask them to send it back for a refund. You have the shoes back, go ahead and re-sell them."


I tried to explain to the lovely gentleman that it had nothing to do with money - the issue I have is that the buyer told blatant lies and made a fraudulant claim with Paypal. She gets away with this and then tarnishes my reputation with more lies.

He then suggested that I contact E-Bay about feedback removal as "they are really good about that"
Ha ha ha ha ha - still laughing about that.

Next step -----------------??????????????????  coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ring back.  Request to speak to a supervisor. If one is not available, ask that you ring you as soon as they are.


Explain you are appealing paypals original decision, and that you can now provide evidence that the buyer lied in their claim.


IMO you should indicate that now you have the goods back yes you can resell them, however you are seeking that the claim is found in your favour so the negative feedback and any other defects are removed


AND that you wish to be reimbursed for the value of the original post cost for sending the goods to the buyer and the eBay final value fees from Paypal so you are not out of pocket and your seller performance is not compromised by Paypals support of this fraudulent claim. 



Message 11 of 23
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Follow up to habitual neg feedback buyer.

Ring Paypal again and tell them that you're taking your complaint to the Financial Ombudsmans Service ( and given that you have a very good case against them, my bet is that Paypal will give you a discretionary refund. Every time the FOS investigates a claim against Paypal it costs them a substantial fee and they'll bend over backwards to avoid it.

Then once you've been refunded, ring eBay and ask to speak with a supervisor, then tell him/her exactly what's happened and that Paypal has reversed their decision, and you may just be lucky enough to get your neg removed. They removed my improperly given neg last month after I complained bitterly about it so don't give up until eBay give in.
Message 12 of 23
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Follow up to habitual neg feedback buyer.

CQ before the OP threatens with the FIO I think they are better off to save that as the last course of action.


If they appeal the decision and seek the claim is re-opened and reexamined in light of the evidence they can provide to Paypal - if this request is successful and they have the claim appeal found in their favour, they won't have to go through significant argy bargy with eBay to get any defect or negative removed. It will be more straight forward.


If the above does not work, then I think absolutely play the FIO hand at that point. This will go in the OPs favour if the FIO actually does an investigation.

Message 13 of 23
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Follow up to habitual neg feedback buyer.

Yes, you're probably right, cats. After my recent unhappy experiences with eBay I tend to go straight for the jugular these days, but with the evidence the OP has, they may not need to be quite as aggressive as I'd be.
Message 14 of 23
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Follow up to habitual neg feedback buyer.

What great advice in this thread - Thanks so much.

Recently I sold bnwt jacket and she says it is not bnwt - um, there are tags attached - but it is not bnwt because the collar is sewn on backwards and she would know because she is familiar with the brand.  Oops sorry you are wrong sweetheart!  

Paypal granted her full refund and I am out of pocket postage and eBay final value fees - but now I WILL take it to Metalicus and get verification that this is the way this cardi was produced.

Thank you Thank you.

Message 15 of 23
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Follow up to habitual neg feedback buyer.

That's some excellent advice there.

@cq_tech wrote:
Ring Paypal again and tell them that you're taking your complaint to the Financial Ombudsmans Service ( and given that you have a very good case against them, my bet is that Paypal will give you a discretionary refund. Every time the FOS investigates a claim against Paypal it costs them a substantial fee and they'll bend over backwards to avoid it.

Then once you've been refunded, ring eBay and ask to speak with a supervisor, then tell him/her exactly what's happened and that Paypal has reversed their decision, and you may just be lucky enough to get your neg removed. They removed my improperly given neg last month after I complained bitterly about it so don't give up until eBay give in.


Message 16 of 23
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Follow up to habitual neg feedback buyer.

Hi Everyone - just wanted to update this thread and let those of you interested in adding this nasty piece of work to your BBL, that I have replied to the negative feedback she left for me, and as suggested by the wise posters on this site, left her username in my reply.

So you can all go and check out the feedback she leaves for other sellers and have a bit of a giggle. As I said in an earlier post - she really is an unlucky ebay buyer and you do have to wonder why she keps buying if she constantly receives items not as described.

In the end, I decided to not even attempt to get the feedback removed by contacting Ebay.
Paypal, of course, did not do anything about my appeal of their initial decision and I don't feel that Ebay will either.

Hopefully I have enough good feedback from genuine buyers and that any sensible potential buyers who looks at my feedback will see the negative for what it really is.


Whilst still not happy about the whole situation, I have chosen to move on - life just ain't worth it.

I actually feel a bit sorry for the buyer as she must have a really *sh-t* life if doing what she does brings her joy ot happiness.

Onwards and upwards Smiley Very Happy

Message 17 of 23
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Follow up to habitual neg feedback buyer.

I got a neg fb as well and I think the buyer is an expert in giving neg fb. 


I have looked at other sellers' fb left for her and found one interesting:


told many times how to use. it is gorgous colour. Sadly we do not sell brains~~


Yes, sellers need to fight with unreasonable buyers


Message 18 of 23
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Follow up to habitual neg feedback buyer.

WOW, that's one serious messed up, unlucky buyer! One has to wonder why she still buys on eBay with all that bad luck.


By the looks of the feedback, clothing sellers and book sellers need to add this twit to their special list....and FAST!

Message 19 of 23
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Follow up to habitual neg feedback buyer.

Maybe tou could take a photo of the shoes and the tape measure and also get a JP to witness it.

Send that to Pay Pal to show that the buyer had lied to them.

Message 20 of 23
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