Forcing me to managed payment or deny new listings

I wanted to put up a new item but message came up I must register to managed payments. So I go to the link where it says "express interest". I fill out the form but skip the "Why are you interested in managed payments?" because I am not interested in it. Off course it won't let me continue. So I feel I'm being forced to voluntarily sign up for something I don't want. When I dig deeper, I find they also want driver's licence and who knows what other persona information which in no way I will submit to some private company online.

The question I have is it even legal to force people this way or simply deny their service?

I've been with ebay since the start but this will probably be the end of it. What are your thoughts

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Forcing me to managed payment or deny new listings

@retiques wrote:

Am I being paranoid? 


Message 131 of 138
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Forcing me to managed payment or deny new listings

@queerboy wrote:

And if you think your information is safe think again. Some may be comfortable with disclosing this information in order to sell a few second hand items, I am not. A lot won’t be.



I realise this is an older post and you may no longer be visiting the forum, but I can't let this stand without pointing out the following - did you even read the article you linked to?


This wasn't even related to any security breach on eBay or the other site, as the account logins were gained through other means (the article mentions password spraying, i.e. a "bruteforce attack by which an attacker tries to get into a large number of accounts by using a small number of commonly used passwords",  which is not something eBay can be held responsible for, and in turn is something I would expect someone working in IT to know, so the point of posting it is to what? Fearmonger through headlines?), and it gave access to account information users have happily supplied eBay for years, yourself included.


It doesn't reflect on eBay data security at all, nor anything to do with MP. If someone gets access like this to an account on MP, they don't get more info than what they can get from an account not on MP. 

Message 132 of 138
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Forcing me to managed payment or deny new listings

There is absolutely no way known that I will ever play this moronic game. Ebay management are invited to go do something physically impossible.  Despite multiple attempts, I have been unable to contact the imbeciles responsible for the MIS-managed payments nonsense, clearly they realize that countless customers want to give them an almighty blast.

Message 133 of 138
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Forcing me to managed payment or deny new listings

Why do you need to contact them?


It' actually quite simple to do so.

Message 134 of 138
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Forcing me to managed payment or deny new listings

IMO, Ebay is not being ethical or honorable in respect of the remittance service provider bit.  Its only interest is ensuring it gets a cut of the sale and to Hell with the interests of buyers and sellers.  Only a total retard would entrust a company as ignorant, arrogant,  unethical and unprincipled as Ebay with personal information like their drivers licence and passport, especially with the uber-annoying and virtually unintelligible offshore call centre muppets who  (judging from the background noises) apparently work out of a chicken shed. That would absolutely guarantee identity theft.  I am especially incensed with the effort expended by Ebay management to make contact with any Australian staffer impossible.  That more than anything else demonstrates to me the malice aforethought.  I was an Ebay customer for over twenty years and if follows that I have a right to some respect.   Ebay management muppetdom who dreamed up the demonstrable contempt for customers, the inane MIS-managed payments nonsense, and the hiding of all contact phone numbers are hereby invited to do do something physically impossible ... with a bit of luck they will experience considerable pain in the process. 

Message 135 of 138
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Forcing me to managed payment or deny new listings

I agree 100%.  Someone has posted about remittance service provider obligations although I see that as merely a smokescreen for a far more sinister / ulterior motive.  Whatever, giving detailed personal information to an unethical mob that cannot be contacted (apart from the offshore illiterates)  is insanity.  When payments go directly from a buyer to a seller, there is no 'remittance service provider'.  I certainly don't need proven incompetent galahs working out of a chook shed in some asian hell-hole getting their hands on all the material they need for identity theft.  Its not as if we can sue the nether regions off a management muppet we cannot contact. 

Message 136 of 138
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Forcing me to managed payment or deny new listings


All platforms require you to identify yourself - Amazon and Etsy require this information BEFORE you can even operate on their sites. 


People are very careless in their everyday lives outside of Ebay which make it fantastic for scammers. They get all their mail sent to their home address, including drivers licence and passport renewals, credit cards etc. It is very common to read about thieves taking mail from the mailbox, which we all know is used for fraud and identity theft. You are more likely to fall victim to mail box theft than to have your credentials stolen on Ebay.


But......if you're not going to sign up, why do you need to contact them?

Message 137 of 138
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Forcing me to managed payment or deny new listings

I enjoy a good rant... more so when it's from someone who is clueless.

Message 138 of 138
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