on 18-02-2015 09:25 PM
I am sick of ebay changing thing..
my free relists are gone,
must use business policy on all accounts
NO Credits still for Australia post Creit for 10% off.
I am fumingmad
Sorry to rant
on 20-02-2015 06:57 PM
Well lucky you have you tried it recently!
on 20-02-2015 10:30 PM
@meekamag2 wrote:Hi Sheepie,
Just a quick question. I've managed to do it that way to get the 3 free re-lists, but if I want to revise it I can't get the old format back, it stays in the 'Quick re-list mode. Is there a way to revise it in the old format? (Sorry for asking what is probably a derrrrr question.
I don't know if it's changed recently, but when I converted all my listings a few months ago from the quick lister to the advanced lister, I clicked to revise the item, then up the top of the quick lister is the change category option. On the next screen, up the top right was a link to switch to advanced listing tool. It would throw some warning up, but ignore it and change. The next screen shows what you would see if you were creating a new listing and there was a link to the listing that you can click on. Clicking on that would take you to the advanced lister where all the details carried over.
I haven't created any new listings yet to see if that works. It was also mentioned in this thread that revising could delete the free relist option, so only try it with one to start with and see what happens. I might go and experiment and see what happens.
on 20-02-2015 10:51 PM
OK, I just relisted an item using the quick lister. I had to re-enter all the data as it didn't carry over. I just cut and pasted my description, which sped things up a bit. I sent it live and it gave me the 3 free relists. I checked on my selling page and the option to remove the automatic relist was in the dropdown.
I then went back and revised to try and change it to the advanced lister, which is still how I described it above. When I got to the second page to list it, the option for the 3 free relists was gone. So, I guess that answers that question!
I noticed that since I last used the quick lister they have updated the item specifics, so I could still add all the previous ones I had in the advanced lister. Previously, you had the option of only 2 or 3 in my categories and there wasn't the option to add your own.
The only thing that affects me by doing it this way is, for large letter items, I offer free standard postage, registered and express. I can only offer 2 options, so went for free standard and express. The other downside is the maximum handling period you can have is 3 days. I had mine set at 5 days to fatten out the stupid estimate in the listings that the buyers take as gospel.
In the big scheme of things, they are only minor things for me, so it looks like for now, I'll be going back to the quick lister. That is until they cotton onto that and remove the option from there. I wonder if they've left that alone because majority of experienced sellers use the advanced lister and it's assumed that casual sellers use the quick lister?
So, in a nutshell, the quick lister gives you the 3 free relists, but you can't transfer them over to the advanced lister. To find the quick lister for those that want to go this way, click sell similar and it will be up the top of the screen. Hitting relist shows the link for the bulk lister.
on 21-02-2015 11:30 AM
Wow, thanks for all of your time and hard work, sheepie. yes the quick relist is good for items that have a flat p&h rate, but not feasible for anything over 500g that needs to be calculated (and ebay's commission added!).
I wonder if it'll still be there at the start of next month, or when & if the next lot of freebies is on.
on 21-02-2015 01:11 PM
Hi Sheepie, can you please clarify for me the steps you took. I take it you go into one of your existing listings and click on sell similar which is one of the options on the top left of the page.
After clicking this I don't see any link for quick listing tool. I only see 'create listings in bulk' option on the top right. Is this what you mean? Even when i click on this, I don't get the 3 Free relist option
on 21-02-2015 01:34 PM
Unfortunately it only works on some IDS.
on 21-02-2015 02:21 PM
@tchi6 wrote:Hi Sheepie, can you please clarify for me the steps you took. I take it you go into one of your existing listings and click on sell similar which is one of the options on the top left of the page.
After clicking this I don't see any link for quick listing tool. I only see 'create listings in bulk' option on the top right. Is this what you mean? Even when i click on this, I don't get the 3 Free relist option
Did you try the Sell an Item link, like you were going to list a brand new item? I would also try using the relist option on an unsold item because last time I did that, it show the quick lister link as opposed to the bulk listing link.
on 21-02-2015 04:38 PM
Mine disappeared too, just about the same time they made the changes to the My Ebay summary page! It hasn't been back since 😞
on 21-02-2015 07:35 PM
Interesting that eBay have not given any formal announcement that this feature is now restricted/limited to ...??
On their 'Help' page is quite clearly states
Non-business sellers can also set up listings to relist automatically up to three times for free. "
There is no qualification that you must be a new seller, which seems to be the current opinion. It only states non-business sellers.
So it appears the goal posts have been shifted once again - to the detriment of sellers who wish to take advantage of the feature.
(And I listed an item today to test. Have to agree. it aint there no more.)
on 22-02-2015 11:50 AM
@5kazam wrote:Interesting that eBay have not given any formal announcement that this feature is now restricted/limited to ...??
On their 'Help' page is quite clearly states
"Here's what we found for "automatic 3 free relists"
Non-business sellers can also set up listings to relist automatically up to three times for free. "
There is no qualification that you must be a new seller, which seems to be the current opinion. It only states non-business sellers.
So it appears the goal posts have been shifted once again - to the detriment of sellers who wish to take advantage of the feature.
(And I listed an item today to test. Have to agree. it aint there no more.)
Was just about to point out the same thing. Ebay's Help page still states that Non-business sellers can set a listing to relist automatically up to three times for free if the item doesn't sell.
I wonder how ebay define a non-business seller? The Help pages cannot find a definition.