Free Listings


I found these


for stores  starts 22.12.14


for non-stores  starts 31.12.14



Message 1 of 19
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Re: Free Listings


So sorry ..... that was a typo    ..... of course I mean 2015     Smiley Happy

Message 11 of 19
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Re: Free Listings

Great, thanks, this will really help. Thanks for sharing

Message 12 of 19
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Re: Free Listings

Non-store invite worked for me. I'll never get through them but I get a small thrill just having them sitting there.


Taa for sharing Smiley Happy

Message 13 of 19
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Re: Free Listings

Lovely and Thank you ,

How do you get that advanced info, i would love to know

happy selling and a great 2015

Message 14 of 19
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Re: Free Listings

Excellent! Thanks for sharing 🙂 Nice start to the New Year!
Message 15 of 19
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Re: Free Listings

Just a musing on these free listings- I never get the invites, just pick them up here on the forums.


I've noticed recently that when I accept the 'invitation'- it does add those 150 on top of the existing 40 for non-stores. But 1, 2 or 3 days later when I login to MyEbay Selling, they've disappeared.


Doesn't really matter to me as I'm not utilising them anyway, but I'd be well annoyed if I had my full stock on here- what happens if you use them while they're there, but then ebay revokes them?


Is it that I'm not supposed to be using other people's invites (despite ebay allowing me to accept the invitation), and that's why they disappear after a few days?


Curious as to what would happen if you accepted the free 150, they appear as legit in your Selling area, you use the full 150 them ebay revokes them- is that $1.50 on all 150 listings you weren't 'supposed' to be invited to?


Just wondering, not much would surpirse me 🙂

Message 16 of 19
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Re: Free Listings

"what happens if you use them while they're there, but then ebay revokes them?"


They dont.


Ebay sets limits for all these promotions. Only certain sellers are physically able to accept. If you do not qualify, you get a message in red that says "You do not qualify for this promo".


They know these promos can be googled, or posted here on the forums - they arent silly - they have set it up this way. If they didnt want it to happen, theres a million ways they change it so that didnt happen at all, ever.


So, they set limits, only allowing certain sellers to accept. THEN they only send it out to a percentage of these same sellers.


They know a general percentage of those they havent sent it to will also access it.


Its a great way to create talk and buzz about Ebay and enhance community forums all across the internet etc.



Its a marketing tool that most companies use - not just Ebay. The same as all those voucher codes and promo codes you "find" in forums, or have sent to you by third party companies. Its great advertising, its great for collecting information.


Its done on purpose, and has been by many companies for decades.

Message 17 of 19
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Re: Free Listings

if yours are disappearing after a few days, this would be because of one or more of the following -


1. your accounts messed up because a) ebay only allows some features to some users. Yours may be being used to test something that isnt working well with these promo invites OR b) your account is just messed up i.e something technical.

2. they revoked it from your specifically, for whatever reason they chose.

3. some other reason.


If I were you, Id still try to use the promos - it doesnt make good business sense for Ebay to waste time revoking promos you have actually used to recollect $10 or even $100 from you. A waste of their time and they would make 10 times this in advertising from your account any way. Consider it a glitch.

Message 18 of 19
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Re: Free Listings

The current promotion won't appear on your page until it starts. At midnight on the 31st, it will show up, not before.

Message 19 of 19
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