Frist ever for not as described item

Long story short here.

With over 5000 sales I have NEVER had to deal with an item not as described dispute.

Buyer put in offer, offer accepted paid and posted.

Buy starts to ask questions after item is posted and realises she has purchased the wrong size item.

Description was 100% accurate re the item and size.

Buyer not in the know assumed she was getting bigger version.

Buyer then opens dispute for item not received less than 24 hrs after paying.

I call PP and tell them the item was paid for less than 24 hours ago.

PP say just wait and see what happens.

Next day buyer changes dispute to not as described.

Tracking shows the item is still in transit and not even delivered.

Call to PP again, they close the dispute and release money back to PP account.

2 days later buyer opens another not as described dispute saying item is not new as per description.

I supply all the proof possible to show it is exactly as described along with the history of the buyers disputes after a change of mind.

Paypal tell buyer to return to seller on the 27/9 for refund by the  by 8th Oct

Today the final day buyer enters tracking number for return of item.

So what happens if

a) the item is exactly as described and the buyer was using any excuse to get the refund (which is the case) as the item is as described.


b) they have damaged or used the item in the 10 days it was in their possession before returning it.

What proof would I need to send PP to win this dispute.

The buyer has sent abusive and profanity filed language via the ebay messages (which have been reported)

I can not understand how after opening 2 disputes BEFORE they even had the item that PP would even find in her favor when it was obviously a change of mind or buyers remorse.

Message 1 of 152
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Re: Frist ever for not as described item

You are most welcome 🙂 Hope it goes well for you!

Message 61 of 152
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Re: Frist ever for not as described item

@sparkz you forgot to mention 1 important part , They also said hey didnt want it because its the wrong size now do you really think the ACCC are not going to ask her. And considering the piddly amount involved, one of 3 things will happen here,


1 you,ll be stuck taking it back

2 the buyer will just give up and walk away from you and ebay 3 paypal will just cop it and move on as it isnt worth there time and effort.


Personally I believe they have already made there decision and your getting it back thats why its on its way,once in your hands again I doubt anything will be done, OH and as for the accc LOL well the old toothless tigers, OH and as Paypal and ebay are self regulated i doubt they will even get involved. They,ll just take your complaint and sit on it till ebay paypal have made there decision.

Message 62 of 152
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Re: Frist ever for not as described item

Community Member

sweet, you forgot the most important thing.

the time to ask questions is before you bid/buy/pay. Not after the item has been posted. :^O

Message 63 of 152
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Re: Frist ever for not as described item

1sweetap6v8 consumer law, fair trade and the sale of goods act only apply to registered businesses and even if it is a business then auction goods are excluded.

This is a case where Paypal got the original decision wrong, they should have found in the seller's favour. As they didn't the buyer has now been told to return the item and as long as they do so by trackable means they will get a refund.

It is then up to Paypal to repay the seller with a discretionary payment as long as the item was as described.

Been there, done that and got to resell the tee shirt 😉

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 64 of 152
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Re: Frist ever for not as described item

.  I have run a small business for 37 years and would never ever carry on like this over a couple of bucks you have got to be joking. 


And hence the reason it is STILL a small business after 37 years. No pain No gain.

If the buyer had ask for a refund on return without opening a dispute less than 24 hours after paying and then try for not as described without ever having seen it due to still transit then I would have gladly agreed to refund on return of the item.

BUT they chose to open a dispute without giving me that option AND then asked me to refund half and they keep the item.

That is why I am fighting this.

PP have done the wrong thing here as well so that is another reason to fight this.

Message 65 of 152
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Re: Frist ever for not as described item

PJ what proof did you give to prove the item was exactly as described for them to accept the buyer was wrong?

Message 66 of 152
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Re: Frist ever for not as described item

OH and heres a little something for you to dwell on, THE OLD SAYING  "THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT". even if there not its called good business something many of you lack.


HMMM. or am i the only one who can think logically here. And thats without even mentioning the fact you all have a obligation to satisfy your clients.  Or is that you only see them as cash cows for your own benifit.  I have run a small business for 37 years and would never ever carry on like this over a couple of bucks you have got to be joking. 


Against my better judgement...

Old saying being the operative words, and as has been attempted to be explained throughout this thread, consumer laws both acknowledge and accommodate for the fact that the customer is not always right. 

As a seller, I have an obligation to supply purchases as described, in a timely manner, and resolve any issues that may arise that are my responsibility resolve; that is, to honour any obligations I have, either be they required by law, or ones I chose to undertake; and I have chosen to undertake many that are not required of me as either a moral obligations or from a dedication to providing a level of service that would exceed my own expectations from the average seller.

I do all this from a level of mutual respect to and with my customers, but I am not - and will not be - subservient to any buyer, nor will I kow tow to them, or satisfy any unreasonable demands and/or expectations. Nor will I lie down and take it with a smile if a buyer opens a nonsensical PayPal claim within hours of purchase based on the fact that they suddenly decided they no longer want the item they have purchased.

Considering the number of repeat customers I have is growing, I feel confident that there is a) nothing wrong with my level of customer service, and b) there are many buyers out there who - like me - appreciate a seller who doesn't smack so much of desperation nor have so little self-respect as to accept blatant fraud and sheer disrespect with a "thank you, come again", and I would wholeheartedly support any other seller who takes the same position.


Message 67 of 152
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Re: Frist ever for not as described item

Message 68 of 152
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Re: Frist ever for not as described item

wow, I'm sending out for pizza, popcorn and choc

Message 69 of 152
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Re: Frist ever for not as described item

PJ what proof did you give to prove the item was exactly as described for them to accept the buyer was wrong?

Sparklz - to prove the buyer was wrong you need to refer Paypal to the full item description and also refer them to any correspondence from them.

When they opened the second dispute for Item Not As Described did they give the reasons why in the dispute console?

If they did and you can see what they have said you need to provide evidence as to why they are wrong.

When you provided the evidence did you upload it through the dispute console or fax it through?

If you didn't upload it through the dispute console I would do that as all the information is immediately attached to the dispute file and Paypal can't complain they didn't receive it. I would then ring them tomorrow and go through all the details with them.

Message 70 of 152
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