Funds on hold - 3 day release broken because staff do it manually

I have just finished a couple of disucssions with ebay support regarding funds from my sales being held for more than the 3 days their policy states.


I meet all their critereia for 3 day release; I use their lable printing so tracking info is ther immediately, delivery is conifrmed and visible through ebay, over 5 business days later funds are still on hold.


This happens with all my transactions I couldn't get an answer from ebay as to why. They kept talking in circles stating their policy back to me, which I pointed out ebay is not adhereing to!!


I eventually got a straight answer from support over the phone.




HOLY SH!t !!!


none of the funds releasing is done automically !!??? I'm beyond dumbfounded....


I really can't believe what they just told me. I suspect they're actually in breach of the law given they are not fulfilling their obligations to issue your money to you in the time frame they state, when the other party is fulfilling all of their obligations on the matter.


Is anyone else delaing with this ???  Surely it's not just me... 


I'm so **bleep** off ..

Message 1 of 22
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Re: Funds on hold - 3 day release broken because staff do it manually

No, you don't get it and your are the dimwit because you are not listening to the very experienced members here who are telling you how it is. I'm not going to get into it because it's already been said. I will say that you are considered a new seller so your funds are getting held. Live with it. If you are doing it so hard that you must remove every cent from PayPal as soon as it arrives, then maybe you should sell at the local markets or something. Clearly ebay is not for you because you can't deal with their rules.


Sits back and waits for the comment about what would I know having 0 feedback and all!
Still waiting.....
Don't disappoint me.
You could also accuse me of being an ebay employee if you like!
Message 21 of 22
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Re: Funds on hold - 3 day release broken because staff do it manually


Based on your postage method and information you provide us, funds that are temporarily placed on hold should be available:


  • 7 days after your latest estimated delivery date when you manually upload tracking information ormark the item as posted in My eBay.
  • 21 days after your buyer pays if you don't upload tracking and you don't mark your item as sent in My eBay.

Not replying to kopes specifically, just wanted to use the info in the post.


I think the problem lies in the way the policy is worded, specifically the bit that says "funds that are temporarily placed on hold should be available".


Ebay's legal obligations would depend on the legal interpretation of 'available'.  It doesn't say they'll automatically be released after 3 days, only that they're available.  It doesn't say they'll be available to spend, or available in paypal, just that they're available.  It could mean they're available for release.  I'm no lawyer but I wouldn't be surprised if one could legally argue that if you can ask for and get the funds released then they're available. 


A non-ebay example of what I mean by this is that the old age pension is available to all Aussies over a certain age who meet certain conditions - but you have to ask for it.  It doesn't happen automatically, even though the govt already has most of the information they need.


The word should probably also let them off the hook if it takes them extra time to release the funds.  Should isn't the same as wilI and I think it'd be safe to say that the word should indicates that it may not always happen, for one reason or another.


I'd imagine it'd be quite difficult for ebay's system to be set up to automatically check whether items show as delivered, which would explain why you can get the funds after 3 days but only if you ask for them.  The 21 day hold would be easy to set up automatically because there are no conditions re delivery, so only the release after 21 days would be automated.

Message 22 of 22
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