on 30-11-2014 11:33 AM
I am a single mum that tries to make a small amount of money selling things on ebay... but after my statment from October, I no longer find it beneficial for me.
My sales amount was $242 and then I had to pay 17.79% (43.50) in ebay fees..... gone are the days where we could make a decent sale and walk away with a good profit. All the charges for selling and the stupid pathetic money grabbing fees for postage, its not like it cheep to post items as it is, but now we are being charged for charging for postage.
Get real Ebay... I have been selling and buying for years, but you have lost me..... instead of sending my bloody surveys as a buyer, have the guts to send me one as a seller, actually send one to all sellers and give us a right to tell you what we think!!
Ebay, you are nothing but a money hungry, penny pinching piece of **bleep**.. Good Bye!
on 30-11-2014 02:48 PM
It is a bit of a trick by ebay.
To calculate you need to add the $243 plus all the postage costs.
Calculate 9.9% of this total (X).
Then ebay calculate the % as the (X) you just calculated, against your $243 in sales. This is why you are getting 17.79%
ie: X/243 x 100
On top of this is the Paypal fees...... (which aren't on your invoice)
on 06-12-2014 01:41 PM
I think the postage in Australia is very high
For me they represent more than 50% of my total costs.
The postage costs in Australia kill the online sellers.
Ebay fee are high too but it is the postage cost is the main reasson of our problems.
this could reduce the press on all sides
on 06-12-2014 01:49 PM
Sorry to burst your bubble , while it's free to list and sell ( there are fees for some selective options and if you want a store etc) there are very few buyers there and a lot of sellers who have just 'parked' their items but rarely come in to check on their accounts.
Admin there supposedly promised some members via email contact during contact over other issues that things will change in the new year , unfortunately that is the same line that has been sprouted since 2005 .
Still , you never know but I certainly wouldn't use it as the only option . Try Facebook Groups or your own facebook business page etc.