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Has Aus Post Gone Crazy or is it me

It used to cost me $3.60 to send a small item about a month ago.

I looked at the new postage calculator and the cheapest parcel cost is $6.95.


Am i missing something or is that true,is it now double the price?


That means that if i send a small video game that is just a bit bigger than letter requirements which has a max price of $3.00, that i now have to pay a minimum of $7 to send a lousy small video game that weighs less than 500g and over 2cm thick.


I cant ask people to pay that much for postage on such a small item, WTF, its not possible.


$3.60 seemed too high now $7.


I thought Auspost made record profits last year and now this, i thought they were a government business there not to make mega profits, just a resonable return for the gov.


But recently the government lost 17billion dollars in GST revenue because the price of electricity and how it stopped people spending and put the price of goods everywhere up, stopping people spending even more to the tune of $17billion dollars GST TAX LOST.


Now Auspost has put up their prices even more even though they went up recently, which will proberly result in an extra return For auspost of 100million this year extra in profits, But increase in postage prices will result in less spending on internet shops like ebay because postage prices are to high meaning the government will loose about $2billion, $6billion or even $17billion less Gst revenue  from this postal increase.


meaning Auspost gets an extra $100million profit but the government loses billions in gst tax because postage price are unsustainable forcing people to spend less on goods online or buy from overseas which is sometimes free or way cheaper.


a net loss of -$16.900billion in GST by the gov just from Postage price rises alone estimated.

plus what ever Gst is lost because electricity prices are still high and havnt been fixed.


Wow i thought the government knew the 101 basics of economy, Have utilities and service like electricty and postal costs as low as possible to keep a robust strong econmy,high prices of these thing results in what happened with the $17billion dolars lost gst because people just stopped spending. they are putting more and more money into paying bills and not much left to spend on goods and food. fear of the next bill stops spending too.


is the government really this stupid, a Five year old knows that if electricty and other services are to expensive people people have less money to spend on goods. just the fear alone of higher electricty price rises stops people spending.People when they see someone charging $15 to send a  $12 teddybear will not buy it, they will see the cheaper overseas seller offering cheaper post and the gov looses GST.


i predict the imminent collapses of the entire Australian economy if these two things aren't fixed, postage back down and subsidize electricity costs. would the government rather that auspost make $100million dollars extra this year in proffit or loose billions in gst revenue, im not sure its a tough one, loose billions or have a more profitable postal service.


I work in retail so i speak to people and its tough, people are not spending,when i speak to them they tell me they dont have much money to buy things after paying electricity, and now postal costs will stop spending on online products within Australia even more. shops are closing everywhere,look at all the vacant shops at your local shopping centre, its dire.


People will buy things from the US who offer free postage sometimes and the government misses out on GST revenue, how can i as a seller compete against overseas sellers when their postal costs are cheaper than sending an item within Australia, How???????



I hope the economy doesnt collapse but it will unless what every politician is taught from day one, keep services and utilities as cheap as possible,the higher the more likely the economy will grind to a halt because the costs are to high for businesses to sustain,less spending, like how it is in a stalled position right at this very second.


cheers, chris



Message 1 of 46
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Re: Has Aus Post Gone Crazy or is it me

Phantom,you are right-bravo!

Anyone attacking your view point has no understanding of the issue or situation at hand...or they're just plain ignorant (and that's how this world got in this mess in the first place - sheer ignorance!).

Seems to be the same old,same old haunting every post....and I don't see nit picking as being helpful in any way...actually,it's very childish behaviour.



Message 11 of 46
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Re: Has Aus Post Gone Crazy or is it me

When i sent the item a couple of months ago, the lady at the desk put the white label on it for $3.60.


I check the postage calculator all the time and only recently has the $3.60 option disapeared.


They were not charging for lettter prices because they go up to $3 and not $3.60.


The old postage calculator let u choose whether u were sending a lettter or parcel, than u put in the size and weight than it show a list of prices starting at $3.60 because the item was under 500g, it also showed the pre paid shatchel that was about $7 and registered price etc.



Message 12 of 46
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Re: Has Aus Post Gone Crazy or is it me

Maybe its just a culmination of errors, maybe the post calculator was showing the medical parcel price and the post office simply used that same parcel calculation to send mine.


In the end its still so expensive here in australia compared to the rest of the world to send basic small items.


When postage costs more than the items costs itself you know something is wrong with the potal service.

Message 13 of 46
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Re: Has Aus Post Gone Crazy or is it me

When i sent the item a couple of months ago, the lady at the desk put the white label on it for $3.60.


I check the postage calculator all the time and only recently has the $3.60 option disapeared.


They were not charging for lettter prices because they go up to $3 and not $3.60.


The old postage calculator let u choose whether u were sending a lettter or parcel, than u put in the size and weight than it show a list of prices starting at $3.60 because the item was under 500g, it also showed the pre paid shatchel that was about $7 and registered price etc.



The parcel rate has not been as low as $3.60 for many many years. I don't know what rate you have been paying or have been quoted but it is not the parcel rate. So no, Australia Post has not doubled it's prices. Simple as that.


Message 14 of 46
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Re: Has Aus Post Gone Crazy or is it me

Community Member

Do you have a screen shot/capture of the options, including the $3.60 you have mentioned?


I do not recall that amount at all when I was sending small parcels previously. I only happened to come across the medical materials price when I went digging last night. Maybe when I have time I will go digging through my really old post office receipts.


I also don't think AP have doubled their prices, increases yes but so have other countries such as the US and UK.


Perhaps you can try 'bundling' items into listings, as someone else mentioned, I think that is something I will try myself.

Message 15 of 46
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Re: Has Aus Post Gone Crazy or is it me

Here's  one,    I went to the Post Office this morning,    I usually send a Mug in the 500gm Satchel,     I had added a mouse pad to the order and because it was just over the 500gm,   postage rose by  $5.40,   to  $12.60    yet I could have sent the Mouse Pad seperately for $1.80.   what a joke.

Message 16 of 46
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Re: Has Aus Post Gone Crazy or is it me

Community Member

That is why it is handy to have digital scales and sort out packaging before going to the PO, less chance of nasty surprises

Message 17 of 46
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Re: Has Aus Post Gone Crazy or is it me

I also sell many small items (under $5.00) and like you now believe that with the postage, final value fee and my packaing materials, time and effort that it just isn't worth it anymore!

Not to mention the headaches and time lost chasing Non-Payers!


I recall an ebay notice recently saying that AusPost was changing (prices and services offered) and they removed the two services I had always used in the process... Thanks for that AP!

Oh and it was affective immediately, so current listings were all affected.


I will say that the current Postage Calculator used by ebay does calculate the postage exactly the same as on the Aust Post websites calculator, however the actual postage charged by the post offices is usually less?? meaning I then have to refund part of the postage paid by my buyer so as to not get f***ed over by brutal feedback for the sake of under $3.00


How hard is it to set a consistant pricing structure really?


Message 18 of 46
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Re: Has Aus Post Gone Crazy or is it me

This is why China is the winner on ebay. They will send the game and post it for less than the cost of postage in Australia.

When life gives you lemons.
Squeeze them into people's eyes
Message 19 of 46
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Re: Has Aus Post Gone Crazy or is it me

Community Member

I have issues with who serves me.  My item may be 5 grams over the 500 gram mark, and most staff will tell me that Aus Post allows a little bit of leeway.  Then another stickler for the rules staff says no way.  Its over the limit, so its over.  Then I go to post an item as large letter which is soft and squishy, and fits through the slot fine (I have a slot thingy at home to check before posting) but stickler says it must "fall" through the hole...... Have sent literally hundreds of items this way that didnt "fall" but fit through no problem when hand held, never had one come back with incorrect postage.  If you find a friendly local post office, with friendly staff, stick to it and avoid the staffer who is obviously looking to win Australia Post Employee of the Month.  We avoid her like wildfire, and that local PO gets a whole heap more business than they would if we had to deal with her solely.

Message 20 of 46
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