Has anybody considered a class action against ebay?

Usual story, long time ebay seller increasingly frustrated with zero support and constantly having buyers do whatever they like with no repercussions.


This has happened multiple times, probably 1 out of 100 sales involves some lunatic sending threatening emails, yet ebay does nothing whatsoever to these people. No matter how you report it, they can still contact you.


Ironic considering how much discussion there is regarding online safety and mental health these days.


Has anybody considered a class action style situation? or even reported them to the online safety commission (or whatever its called)?

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Re: Has anybody considered a class action against ebay?

Has anyone considered a class action against eBay? Yes, lots of people have. The forums are littered with threats of class actions. Has anyone actually gone ahead with it? No. 


I'm not sure what gets threatened more, a class action, or a report to the ACCC.


If you don't want messages, turn messaging off. Simple.


What exactly do you want from this class action?


Edited to fix typos.

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Re: Has anybody considered a class action against ebay?

Honored Contributor

What sort of class action do you want to take?


The only members who want to discuss a class action are those who do not know the board posting rules.....you are not allowed to agitate against ebay or associated entities.

Those who know the rules will not get involved.

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