Hate asking questions to receive a rotten egg.

Since, I have been asking questions as I Am A NEWBIE on eBay. Was one in 2005 but honestly don't remember it.

I've got these "rotten egg members" jumping to assumptions, accusations and conclusions.
That I am doing this or that on purpose.

Just because I have sold elsewhere doesn't mean I am an expert or much less experienced in selling.

I don't consider my self a "seasoned seller" as I don't think I am that good yet.

I like that 90% of the forums are helping me out and jumping to assumptions like the other 10%.

So what if they are "newbie questions" that I have asked elsewhere. eBay is not elsewhere.

It's like comparing apples to oranges, yes they are in the same category but they are different, for those of you who don't get or want to get the comparison.

I was asking a few questions regarding selling on eBay to get those 10% of rotten eggs.

I am sorry for my rant, cause I can't stand those 10% of members who can't be civilised with the questions I have.
Message 1 of 19
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Re: Hate asking questions to receive a rotten egg.

When I was a Newbie,I soon learnt that you need to thicken your skin, if you want to ask questions on these boards.

Don't let them worry you.  Sometimes they do come up with a good idea, albeit put in an undiplomatic or unkind way.

Or you could do what I've soon others do .... Ask your question, and follow it with "Please don't bother replying .... and then a list of

those who have annoyed you" HA HA!  

Message 2 of 19
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Re: Hate asking questions to receive a rotten egg.

Thanks Sue, I will do that from now on "put those names to shame" lol.

There was a question I asked like how can people I don't sell too contact me even though I have blocked them from contacting get through.

And I get a "things are certain in life death taxes and newbie questions from Warren" how does that answer my question?

Then on another question I ask "why are you asking all these questions you're an experienced seller"

Once again not answering my question hence the rotten eggs remark I mentioned Sue.

I am not an experience seller and nor do I think I am a seasoned seller.

Thanks for being in the 90% of the flawless ebay Community.

Rotten eggs please don't bother replying, you know who you are!
Message 3 of 19
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Re: Hate asking questions to receive a rotten egg.

Hi, ask any question - happy to help if possible. It is I know, difficult to ignore the less positive in these forums - the reason I have not in the past bothered.
Message 4 of 19
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Re: Hate asking questions to receive a rotten egg.

Yep, you need to have thick skin allright when your being drawn a quartered. Some of them revel in tearing you to pieces as you cant see them and they often use unrelated ids to their main business and often they simply just get your post all wrong as they havent gotten to know your ( write language) . You need to stick around and keep on keeping on or in some cases just opt out of certain Boards as there can be some insecure Pirahna types just waiting for a new "kid on the block"


But generally every one wants to help you as thats helping others who have similar problems.

I have only been on the forums since April /  May this year and found it very Clicky but at the same time learnt more in that short time than the 10 years I have been with ebay

Message 5 of 19
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Re: Hate asking questions to receive a rotten egg.

It's simply not possible to moderate or dictate response to a public thread (unless you have actual mod power), nor what issues will catch the attention of other people, leading to what they comment on. 


You have to use your own filters, take what's helpful from the responses - if something is polite and/or constructive... woo hoo 



If something is - to you - rotten egg-y.... near as I can tell, it's better for everyone if you don't crack it.





Message 6 of 19
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Re: Hate asking questions to receive a rotten egg.

True DG.


Personally I do crack it from time to time  Cat Embarassed



Message 7 of 19
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Re: Hate asking questions to receive a rotten egg.


A quick cautionary tale...





[insert a range of hilarious egg puns here]










Moral: Rotten eggs are bad, but you can deal with them easy enough if you have to. Beware the greater dangers that often go unseen and have powers most normal folk aren't equipped to deal with. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Message 8 of 19
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Re: Hate asking questions to receive a rotten egg.

I do understand because I encountered a few when I first started frequenting the sellers forum. There are people from all walks of life on here, with different personalities and initially I felt a bit narky about it, but I just learned to ignore those comments if they weren't constructive. I think occasionally with some people, what they want to say, isn't what comes out in text. Sometimes it's hard to write down what you mean. Sometimes people try to leave a sarcastic comment and it comes out all wrong and comes across as a nasty message. I have been guilty of that. I have also been guilty of being a bit un-nice myself and not realised until someone pulled me up on it (by which time it is too late to edit it out of your message)


Yes, you were a seller in 2005. It seems you haven't sold on here since 2005. There has been a LOT of changes to eBay since 2005. The bad eggs know that and have even had to correct other sellers that have had a break and returned, not realising the rules had changed and were trying to follow the rules of when they sold before.


Onward and upward. Even if the bad eggs think you should already know the answers, a constructive answer to questions can help other newbies out. Sometimes it's much easier to ask a question on here, than sit there for hours trying to find the answer in the help pages.

Message 9 of 19
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Re: Hate asking questions to receive a rotten egg.

Exactly that's my point they should leave constructive and civilised criticism instead of being snarky about it. And I am not going to waste days looking through the help pages till I find what I am looking for, that could take me days or weeks maybe even months.
Message 10 of 19
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