Heads up. New postage with tracking scam.

G’day folks. 

New scam emerging……. 

As we all know, eBay sellers only require the delivery of an item’s tracking to say ‘delivered’ and that’s about where their responsibilities lie…. Fair enough, but we often see the boards filled with buyers claiming they didn’t get their item. 

Now, some couriers & postal delivery drivers will leave the item in a safe spot and take a photo to cover their butt, when scanning the item as delivered. 
All well and good…… BUT…… the new scam is that now, they are taking the picture of the item, then taking the item!  (Probably not a new scam, but I only heard about it recently, when a friends home security captured it all…. in Victoria)  

This all falls back to the delivery service used, but oh my…. How damn frustrating!! 😖😖


And what of those folk who don’t have security cameras to catch these postal delivery thieves!?!? 

It’s always something……. Less and less integrity these days. 😡



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Message 1 of 26
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Re: Heads up. New postage with tracking scam.

Too - too - funny - thank you Babe. 

Message 11 of 26
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Re: Heads up. New postage with tracking scam.

overheard at post office last week: postal worker (in van) dumps many parcels with p.o. "these have all been scanned and carded"

Postmaster: "don't trust what they tell you...I'll check"....not one had been scanned.

Postmaster: "go and tell them this is just sheer laziness and is increasing my workload"


With Xmas coming, this can only get worse!

Message 12 of 26
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Re: Heads up. New postage with tracking scam.

Many years ago there was a small parcel that had not arrived and the seller asked me to ask at the post office. As I happened to be in the area, I did, and the lady went to the other room where I could see her chatting and laughing with another lady because the upper part of the door was glass. Then she came back and said she had looked for my parcel but had not found it. 

Message 13 of 26
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Re: Heads up. New postage with tracking scam.

I remember when designated A.P. staff would come on these boards and sort stuff out.....sadly in the past

Message 14 of 26
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Re: Heads up. New postage with tracking scam.

We are totally on our own now. 

Neither eBay staff nor AP staff come here any more.


Message 15 of 26
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Re: Heads up. New postage with tracking scam.

I know it's not suitable for everyone, but I use Parcel Collect these days because I got sick of parcels being left in a "safe place" and then getting stolen. Safe place being propped against my front door, in full view from the street, and no front fence. East pickings!


Letters still go in the mail box, but all parcels go to the PO and the My Post app alerts me when I have a parcel to collect. I also get an email. 100% of parcels arrive now. Funny that!

Message 16 of 26
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Re: Heads up. New postage with tracking scam.

Don't forget its free.

Message 17 of 26
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Re: Heads up. New postage with tracking scam.

@eol-products wrote:

Don't forget its free.

It is 100% free and there is no spamming. The only emails I get is when a parcel has arrived for collection. In the event you are super busy, you have 30 days to collect your parcel (as opposed to the normal 7 days for non members). Absolutely love it!

Message 18 of 26
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Re: Heads up. New postage with tracking scam.

I send 1-2 per week to lockers and only have an issue when someone buys an item being sent as a letter.  Hopefully more start using it. 

Message 19 of 26
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Re: Heads up. New postage with tracking scam.

@eol-products wrote:

I send 1-2 per week to lockers and only have an issue when someone buys an item being sent as a letter.  Hopefully more start using it. 

We had parcel lockers here, for around 12 months. We no longer have them. I think they were at the 7 Eleven, but they stopped doing them. It's a shame, because they were very useful for people who couldn't get to the PO between 7am-6pm. 

Message 20 of 26
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