Hello friend, I applogise for my manners before.

But it appears someone put my in for shilling when I had not.


 I imagine those members can respect that and no longer comment, it will fall on deaf ears.

It is really not on anymore.

So my best option is to ignore those people.


Message 1 of 27
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Re: Hello friend, I applogise for my manners before.

It appears that someone put me in for shilling when I had not.


I imagine those members can respect my space and no longer comment as it will fall on deaf ears.


It is really not on anymore.


So my best option is to ignore those people.


I really need help, and I am getting tired of this. I just want to sell.



Had to fix my Grammar 😃

Message 2 of 27
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Re: Hello friend, I applogise for my manners before.

How can you be shill bidding if all your items are buy it now?

Message 3 of 27
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Re: Hello friend, I applogise for my manners before.




Someone just reported me.

The tried yet again to try and link two accounts, yet these accounts are seperate completely.



From what I can tell the Ebay response looks automated.



Message 4 of 27
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Re: Hello friend, I applogise for my manners before.

It wasn't shill bidding per se, it was members known to erg that were buying his items to possibly inflate the feedback score, the strange part about it was that a number of the items that had feedback left for the OP did not show up in completed listings.


Even experienced regulars could not work out how that could happen, but one theory was that the OP had done a mutual cancellation after feedback was left, but even that is not certain.


BTW erg, I did not report you in case you were wondering..............................


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 5 of 27
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Re: Hello friend, I applogise for my manners before.

It wasn't shill bidding per se, it was members known to erg that were buying his items to possibly inflate the feedback score, the strange part about it was that a number of the items that had feedback left for the OP did not show up in completed listings.


I already delt with with the feedback before with Ebay customer service and they cleared me in its entirety. 



Even experienced regulars could not work out how that could happen, but one theory was that the OP had done a mutual cancellation after feedback was left, but even that is not certain.


No no cancellation. The items were bought and paid for at Buy it Now, which is still acceptable by Ebay even though we know each other.Those items were then used by the buyer. I would hardly call two feedback a scandal. It is the people leaving 100s of feedback.



BTW erg, I did not report you in case you were wondering......


That's ok. No need to tell. 



Message 6 of 27
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Re: Hello friend, I applogise for my manners before.

@erg-auto-electrical-wholesalers wrote:


I really need help, and I am getting tired of this. I just want to sell.



Some things have not gone unnoticed - shilling? No. Other policy breaches? All signs point to yes, and are quite concerning - I am not going to mention explicit details on a public forum, though. If you have in fact been reported for those actions, it's up to eBay to investigate and take action.


What I will say is this - if you truly do want to move on and take your eBay selling seriously, then take consumer confidence seriously and don't try to take shortcuts to create or manipulate it. It would also be kinda nice if you took the people who took you seriously, at least at some point, seriously as well. Half the reason there is a lack of interest in your threads is because you exhibit a lack of interest in the replies that answer your questions - that makes people wonder if you genuinely want help, or you're just spamming for attention / to amuse yourself. 


If you want to get help with things you can't find / don't understand etc, then I will give you the best piece of (general) advice I can.


The forums are a great place to learn and discuss topics, but the the best way to understand the functional side of eBay is to explore it. The only reason I know most of the stuff I do about how to access and implement features, or how they work, is because I explore options, click links just to see what they do, and test things out. 


Look at everything, whether it seems relevant to you or not, don't just wonder how things work, discover how things work - you'll remember it much better that way. There might be a lot to learn, but there's no easy way to suddenly know everything, whether you're on your own or ask every question you can think of here. 



Message 7 of 27
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Re: Hello friend, I applogise for my manners before.

As DG suggests, there are no shortcuts.


Also show respect and you will earn respect.

But I must say you have been in control all along and you are receiving the effects of your output.

No one to blame but youself.

And if you are truly sorry for recent actions, well that is a good start.


(Are you Chinese?)


image host
Message 8 of 27
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Re: Hello friend, I applogise for my manners before.

Yep so I have been personally attacked for a long time now, and somehow I need to show respect back.


Time for me to leave.


I will just work it out myself.


Thanks for a great experience.

Message 9 of 27
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Re: Hello friend, I applogise for my manners before.

I would think that no one who posts here has reported the OP


Certainly not me, although my fingers did get itchy at times.   slap amiley.gif


But there are hundred of lurkers, some of them may have taken offense   riot act smiley.gif


No one cares
Message 10 of 27
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