on 29-09-2013 06:17 PM
I recently "SOLD" an item and after confusion between the buyer and myself over messages they aren't proceeding with the purchase. I wish to relist the item, but every time I go to relist a box comes up which asks me to sign in to protect my account, and when I enter my password (my ebay name is already filled out when I get to this screen) the screen goes blank then the same screen reappears. I have tried this several times even logging out and relogging in and the same thing happens. Any Ideas?
HELP "tonyb4710"
on 29-09-2013 06:29 PM
The sign-in loop happens fairly frequently and is just a glitch - you can try a few things to help fix, such as clearing cookies and cache, then restarting your browser, or trying a different browser altogether (eg Chrome or Firefox).
on 29-09-2013 09:50 PM
Although it has nothing to do with the sign in loop you do need to finalise the first sale before you relist. Yoiu have to either ask the buyer to agree to a mutual cancellation or you need to open an unpaid item dispute, once the dispute is closed you wil get a refund of your fvf and will be free to relist.