on โ19-08-2014 02:34 PM
Hi I was wondering what is a reasobale time for someone to pick up an item they bought from me. The austion closed Sunday evening and the buyer wont give me a day they want to pick up a washing machine, I have allowed them every day at 6pm or just after, because I work and even all day Sat this week and still not responce... or any hint when they want to come. I think they just want to rock up whe they want...
on โ19-08-2014 03:39 PM
If the auction finished on Sunday night the buyer may not have checked their messages yet.
I would give them another couple of days to respond and if you don't get an answer you can request their phone number from eBay and call them. Click on Advanced next to the blue Search button then click Find Contact Information.
on โ19-08-2014 05:23 PM
Did you say in your listing that pick up had to be within so many days and must be after 6pm? If not how do you expect the buyer to know that, perhaps they work nights and cannot comply with after 6pm.
If I haven't heard from a buyer of a picj up item for three days after I email them with my phone number I give them a call, it is usually easier to arrange picj up times over the phone than by email anyway.