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I Have Lost My Mind...

....amongst other things. Smiley LOL


Today started off well enough, I got everything packed and posted on schedule, and received a box of new stock, which is always nice. 


So, I get home from posting and it's time to sort through the stock. Most of them are restocks of stuff I already carry, including a couple of very small, similar crosses (so similar, you have to look closely at them to discern the difference). What do I do? Pour a full bag (1000 of 'em) into the wrong tub. 



Cue an evening of sorting through 2000 tiny items so they each go into their correct tub


But - BUT! - I have coffee and chocolate, and I got it done (albeit quite literally cross-eyed towards the end), then set about revising listings and updating quantities. 


I get to this other item, which I know (I swear) I listed on eBay and still have about one third of the original quantity in stock, but it's not in the store category I would have put it in, which is strange.


Cue Sherlock Mode.

Trade your secrets and become who you are


I go looking for it, first by a keyword search in the store - no results.

Then I look in sold / ended items, just in case it somehow escaped into there. Not found.


I'm certain people have bought this item, so I then search through all of my emails for payment notifications (since they have the item titles / numbers and direct links).


Nothing. Nada. Zip.




For thoroughness, I also search through 5000 of my last FB received (using F3 keyword search) to see if any of the buyers (which I would be willing to swear on what's now left of the aforementioned chocolate that I did actually have for this particular item) had left feedback in case I could trace it that way.


Of course, that was a waste of time, too. So, who was phone? Which of course I mean, where did my listing disappear to, plus all the buyers / payment notifications for said item? Smiley Surprised It may be the sugar and caffeine high, but I suspect a systematic, subversive operation is in play, resulting in the omission of all traces of my ever having listed and sold an item - to what end I am yet to discern (all theories welcome). 




I believe I'm ready for the men in white coats, now (the chef-types, who make [more] chocolate things). 

Message 1 of 16
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Re: I Have Lost My Mind...

@digital*ghost wrote:

@*tippy*toes* wrote:



I had hundreds of tiny screws everywhere.....all over the carpet in the office. Some were 1mm long and 1/2mm round. Tiny little suckers. Worth over $60 EACH.

$60 for a screw? Smiley Surprised I thought there was only one profession where one of those would cost more than 50c ...

rotten tomatoes


Thankfully these little suckers were a bit easier to sort and I had them all in the one place. 


Sadly, not yet time for bed, though. I'm now behind schedule for the sorting / picking and packing of a wholesale order I need to ship to the US tomorrow, which of course has to include 400 of these metal wire gizmos that require sorting and (usually) straightening- my most hated chore. 


I swear, if time travel ever becomes possible, I'm going to hop straight back to the moment when I said to myself... "self, everyone else sells these as is, bends n' all, so dare to be different and guarantee they'll all be straight", and knock some sense into me.


Then again, maybe time travel is possible and that's why I can't remember what the bloomin' h**l I did with that listing. Smiley LOL


I'll have to give that recipe a go, sounds like it'd be nice with a scoop of ice cream, just for maximum sugar intake. 😄 






OOOOH    DIGI   Thats so not like you     Smiley Surprised..........Id like to say I was dissapointed but it was pretty funny    Smiley Very Happy

Message 11 of 16
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Re: I Have Lost My Mind...




For thoroughness, I also search through 5000 of my last FB received (using F3 keyword search) to see if any of the buyers (which I would be willing to swear on what's now left of the aforementioned chocolate that I did actually have for this particular item) had left feedback in case I could trace it that way.



Did you do the same search in the feedback you LEFT for others?  I find this much more effective because not everyone leaves it for me, and sod's law almost guarantees that the item you didn't get feedback for would be the one you're looking for.  This all assumes that you don't wait to get feedback before you leave it.



Message 12 of 16
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Re: I Have Lost My Mind...

@sydney-diecast-kingdom wrote:

DG you are officailly the funniest person on here! Smiley LOL

My sympathies to the forum! 😮 (By which I mean, thank you 😛 I have the odd moment I suppose 🙂 ).


@kopes, that is an appropriately ghostly brain! 😮


@chameleon, I'm glad I can still surprise after 8k+ posts 😄


@englishrose - why didn't I think of that? o_O Here's hoping I can track down the rogue Smiley Very Happy

Message 13 of 16
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Re: I Have Lost My Mind...

Just in case anyone is burning with cuiousity.... 


I think I may have figured out what happened with that infernal listing (haven't been able to confirm, and I don't remember doing this, but seems like the most likely scenario :D).


Anyway, I had an old variation listing of relatively similar items, so I think I may have added this item to that listing, then ended it sometime later, forgetting it had the new product added to it, and because the original 3 items were slow movers (which explains why I couldn't find the item anywhere with more specific keyword searches, since most records will only have the main listing title). 


So, while not confirmed, the theory is satisfying enough for me to move on. Smiley LOL

Message 14 of 16
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Re: I Have Lost My Mind...

You may not remember doing it, but of course if you did remember you wouldn't have done it, would you?  Smiley Wink


Anyway, glad to see your brain is still electrically alive (as in the picture further up) as we wouldn't have been able to rely on you to answer questions any more if your mind was going.  Smiley Tongue


The main thing is that you realised the item wasn't listed so now you can start selling it again.

Message 15 of 16
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Re: I Have Lost My Mind...

Oh Digi lol................the answer lies in the bottom of a bottle............of Scotch LOL

Join me I am looking for my mind right now...............hicc*&^%$up Smiley Frustrated

Message 16 of 16
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