on 31-10-2013 08:29 PM
Hi all, recently sold a set of bunk beds and arranged with the buyer that I would leave it out for them (on Wed afternoon) because I would not be home at the time they wanted to pick up due to other commitments with my children. Now she is saying that she didn't pick it up and wants a refund and if no refund will come here on Sat to pick up?? I don't know what to do? Please help!
on 03-11-2013 11:57 AM
It's probably also worth noting the feedback that she has left for others..
on 03-11-2013 01:00 PM
Assuming your neighbour is close and was away at the time.
Dear buyer.
My neighbour has just arrived back from overseas with some truly wonderful news.
I never knew but he has had covert cameras installed for a while now.
None of the cameras face my house but have exellent vision of the street.
I will get the recordings to the police tomorrow and with any luck they can
recover your beds.
Fingers crossed that we can arrange your pick up soon and put this unfortunate
incident behind us.
on 04-11-2013 10:45 AM
Hmm, that is interesting. Out of 18 feedback / purchases over the last year, she has only bothered to leave feedback for sellers twice, both in the last couple of weeks, those being (positives) asking where her items are and claiming to have not recieved them.
In 8 years of buying on ebay, I have only had items go missing in transit three times. For your buyer to have 'lost' 3 items in the space of a couple of weeks......gee, she sure is terribly unlucky.
on 04-11-2013 01:47 PM
@Anonymous wrote:Assuming your neighbour is close and was away at the time.
Dear buyer.
My neighbour has just arrived back from overseas with some truly wonderful news.
I never knew but he has had covert cameras installed for a while now.None of the cameras face my house but have exellent vision of the street.
I will get the recordings to the police tomorrow and with any luck they can
recover your beds.Fingers crossed that we can arrange your pick up soon and put this unfortunate
incident behind us.
Now that's what I call lateral thinking. Good one!
on 04-11-2013 05:49 PM
I know it was probably inadvertent, but thanks for the info, a very unsavoury character by the sound of it. They will be placed where they belong!
Good luck OP and do let us know how you go on with this. I think that letter by a termalert is fantastic - give it a go and see what happens.
on 05-11-2013 06:16 AM
But now that you have told them that they are under suspicion, there will be no bunk beds there when the police arrive.They are obviously quick at moving stuff...it will be somewhere else in an hour. It would have been better to go to the police first. Now you have given away your only advantage. They will be prepared instead of caught out.
on 05-11-2013 06:19 AM
@harley_babes_hoard wrote:
Can't wait for their reply to that, please post it here.
But now that you have told them that they are under suspicion, there will be no bunk beds there when the police arrive.They are obviously quick at moving stuff...it will be somewhere else in an hour. It would have been better to go to the police first. Now you have given away your only advantage. They will be prepared instead of caught out.
on 05-11-2013 08:47 AM
I'm quite certain that the poster meant that as a bluff to the buyer to frighten them into paying.
on 05-11-2013 07:56 PM
@ydgonline06 wrote:
@harley_babes_hoard wrote:
Can't wait for their reply to that, please post it here.
But now that you have told them that they are under suspicion, there will be no bunk beds there when the police arrive.They are obviously quick at moving stuff...it will be somewhere else in an hour. It would have been better to go to the police first. Now you have given away your only advantage. They will be prepared instead of caught out.
OP had already been to the police before that letter was suggested . See #27.
on 06-11-2013 11:24 AM
Firstly do not take this the wrong way its just a vview from a person who has read all that is posted here and feel there's more complication here than has been said.
Firstly you say you left it outside with no one to watch over it. That in it self is not smart. Was your buyer due to pick it up the day you left it outside if so good chance they probably did if not they more than likely never and someone else has just thought it was give away and took it.
The senario I seem to see here suggests the buy is dishonest and you all want the police to go search there property on your say. Well what if there innocent and paid $150 and never got anything.?
How do we know you didn't put it out and kept it and kept the money as well its the same as saying they took it now want there money back its a two way street in this case, There is no way anyone can tell who has done what.
It is true you are completely protected buy PP and eBay due to it being a pick up item and the buyer has no protection at all but that is only eBay not the law. Now all that said and done look at it this way . If the buyer has not received the item they lose heavily and you lose nothing is that fair if they did not receive there item.?
What I would do in this case is simple , I would politely ask the buyer to meet with me I would look them hard in the eye and ask the hard questions and see what they had to say. Then if I thought in my mind they were telling the truth I would do this I would say OK I believe you but Im also going to lose just like you are and I think a offer of 50% refund $75 ea you get 75 they get 75 and then cancel transaction so as to save on your fee,s eBay PP dont deserve anything in a case like this where both parties lose out. And most will not even show if there lying most liars cheats theives do not like to meet face to face.
I would then make sure he comes with you to the police station where you can lodge a stolen goods form in front of them and if you agree to a refund of any type do it in the presence of a police officer so as to have a record of such a refund in this case. Putting it to an account may not be wise especially if its not there account.