on โ30-08-2016 10:53 PM
on โ31-08-2016 01:43 PM
cancel all orders with them and tell em to nick off
you don't have to put up with that rubbish
on โ31-08-2016 01:57 PM
@goodthingsforsalerobert wrote:cancel all orders with them and tell em to nick off
Unfortunately cancelling the orders without the buyers agreement will inevitably result in defects on the OP's account, too many of those will result in seller restrictions on the account.
on โ31-08-2016 02:48 PM
I was just wondering, do buyers get a strike or anything, if they request to cancel an order ?
I just think 13 cancellations in one month, for 12 different sellers is a little over the top.
Can a seller leave feedback if a sale is cancelled, or only the buyer ?
I just think we need to follow and block buyers like this.
on โ31-08-2016 03:01 PM
No strike for asking to cancel an order, but many sellers now will not go down the path of a cancellation request and will instead go through an NPD, where if the buyer doesn't pay they will get a strike on their account.
Both buyer and seller can still leave feedback with a cancellation, but with an NPD neither can leave feedback if the item isn't paid for (any feedback left before the dispute can be removed).
on โ31-08-2016 06:59 PM
Not sure if you will come back here to read these responces, but if you offer bank deposit make doubly sure that the amount the buyer owes you has not gone into your account before involving any outside party.
juat a thought
on โ31-08-2016 10:52 PM
on โ10-09-2016 11:05 PM
No money has been deposited to my account. This person has received negative comments but labelled as Positive since trying to buy from me..