I have a feeling we fell for a scam - buyer claiming counterfeit on a genuine very expensive item

I have listed my husband's very expensive phone (it's over $5000 brand new) and finally sold it at best offer for only $1300, much less than what we were hoping to get. But we really needed the money. I took all precautions - took very detailed photos, sent the buyer the IMEI number  and tracking number, insured the phone for $1300 when posted. She received the phone and literally the next day I receive a message that she believes the phone to be a copy or a fake. I am in a state of shock, I am not a retailer, I only sell my own second-hand goods and this phone was a gift from a close friend of my husband's. There is absolutely no chance that it is fake or a copy. She didn't even investigate,  i suggested that she takes the phone to a TAG store to check and she completely ignored that. I have a feeling this is a scam artist who is now requesting a return for refund and will send us back a fake phone to scam us.


My questions is, does anyone has any experience with what kind of process ebay/pay pal follows when a buyer claims the item to be fake? I listed the item with "no returns accepted" condition so I am also wondering - am I able to reject her return request?

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Re: I have a feeling we fell for a scam - buyer claiming counterfeit on a genuine very expensive ite

Because this is the stupid timeframe that ebay give a buyer before they can open a dispute with a seller

Message 171 of 286
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Re: I have a feeling we fell for a scam - buyer claiming counterfeit on a genuine very expensive ite

I have seen what the buyer has purchased and from whom they purchased from.

This buyer has purchased some phone items,a bluetooth which they left another negative for and they also purchased another very expensive virtu phone that cost over $7000.

And going by their feedback and feedback they have received there is no evidence that they are a scammer?

Message 172 of 286
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Re: I have a feeling we fell for a scam - buyer claiming counterfeit on a genuine very expensive ite

I also noticed that they purchased something very expensive (wasn't sure what it was) and left a positive feedback for it. They actually mentioned that it was a virtu in their communication to me (that's what prompted me to look) but I am not sure how you found out that it was a virtu. How did you??


Both my husband and I were a little dumbfounded by this, it doesn't fit into the picture of someone who is a regular scammer. The only thing we could come up with to explain it to ourselves is that perhaps this person was duped themselves at some stage - purchased a TAG somewhere and received a fake and they are now trying to get rid of it in this horrendous way.


The bottom line is, this is all hypothesising that does not really help me. He IS scamming me right now, regardless of his/her past history. I know this due to one simple fact - I sent a red leather phone (packed it myself in the box) and he sent me a photo of a fake croc back phone which he claims he received instead of my phone.


He is refusing to follow simple due process (advised by authorities) which is take the phone and box to Canadian Post office to investigate the possibility (a very slim, almost non-existent possibility) that the phone was switched. I didn't come up with that suggestion - I was given this specific instruction by an Australia Post representative to whom I relayed the whole story in all detail. He turned that suggestion against me claiming that I was trying to committ insurance fraud.


 He is also refusing to provide an IMEI number from the phone he claims he received which would give me/police/authorities to investigate who this fake phone is registered to. He claims that I didn't provide a battery/charger (a lie) but IMEI can be just looked up from under the battery. He is not providing any more additional photos of the fake phone, only the back.


He is not cooperating in any way, only demanding that I refund him/her and keeps repeating that he wants to send me the fake croc phone back. Which is, of course, unacceptable.

Message 173 of 286
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Re: I have a feeling we fell for a scam - buyer claiming counterfeit on a genuine very expensive ite

just realised that you must have saw it in the email from him that I posted.

Message 174 of 286
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Re: I have a feeling we fell for a scam - buyer claiming counterfeit on a genuine very expensive ite

No It wasn't that hard to find out the buyers details,I looked into his details and this buyer is either one very smart cookie or a complete moron.

I am just thinking could the carrier that actually delivered the phone to him have switched it with a fake? or did he actually have to go to his post office and sign for it?

Have you asked him for photos of the packaging that should have your own handwriting on it to prove to you that it was sent by you and not have been opened up by a worker and then re packed and re written on in different hand writing.

Or was the buyers details printed on the package?

The reason I have asked this is because I know of this happening where an item has been received but it wasn't what was purchased and the details on the package were in a different hand writing to the real sellers so evidentally the item was switched in transit.I am just speculating here as to what could have happened though and not at all stating this is the case here.


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Re: I have a feeling we fell for a scam - buyer claiming counterfeit on a genuine very expensive ite

Just for everyones info:


These very expensive Tag Heuer phones first came out in 2008 - I believe they cost around AU $ 6.000.00 at the time.


They were made in black/red leather and also in Croc leather.


My guess is that Tag Heuer still has info to whom and where in the world these phones were sold ; they would be wanting to protect their brand and exclusivity with the specific purpose to stop situations like these arising !


It therefore appears to be much more a Tag Heuer/ Police matter than an E-Bay/ Pay Pal matter.




Message 176 of 286
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Re: I have a feeling we fell for a scam - buyer claiming counterfeit on a genuine very expensive ite

Omg, omg, omg, someone from ACORN has actually replied to me!!!! I now have a police reference number!!! I am over the moon!

Writing a reply to counstable right now. Whoever advised me to report to ACORN - thank you so very much!!

Message 177 of 286
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Re: I have a feeling we fell for a scam - buyer claiming counterfeit on a genuine very expensive ite


For your own records, and I'm not sure if this hasn't already been suggested in this thread.  Take a screen shot of your original listing and keep it in your files.  It has happened in the past that all records of some disputed transactions have mysteriously disappeared, which makes it so much harder when dealing with the likes of eBay and Paypal.  

Message 178 of 286
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Re: I have a feeling we fell for a scam - buyer claiming counterfeit on a genuine very expensive ite

Hi BT. I don't really have anything to add to this discussion, but wanted to let you know that you have my complete support in this disgusting matter. I am really hoping with everything I have that you see a positive outcome.


My only thoughts are, he's claiming fake so he doesn't have to send it back. Therefore, he gets to keep the money and the phone.


Has Tall-Bearded1 entered into this discussion yet? I kind of get the impression he has some kind of legal background by his informative posts. He might have some more suggestions on how to proceed.

Message 179 of 286
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Re: I have a feeling we fell for a scam - buyer claiming counterfeit on a genuine very expensive ite

Looks like something happening there Bright-tomato.  Hope this is the beginning of the end for your nasty buyer.




@i-love-my-sheep wrote:

Hi BT. I don't really have anything to add to this discussion, but wanted to let you know that you have my complete support in this disgusting matter. I am really hoping with everything I have that you see a positive outcome.


My only thoughts are, he's claiming fake so he doesn't have to send it back. Therefore, he gets to keep the money and the phone.


Has Tall-Bearded1 entered into this discussion yet? I kind of get the impression he has some kind of legal background by his informative posts. He might have some more suggestions on how to proceed.

Yes, I have been waiting on TB also.  Maybe taking a break over Christmas/New Year.  A mine of information always very helpful.

Message 180 of 286
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