on 29-01-2014 03:54 PM
on 29-01-2014 03:55 PM
My sales have reduced significantly in the last 2 weeks, this is the longest I have gone without a sale, none in 10 days!!
How is everyone else going?
on 29-01-2014 04:19 PM
If you have had no sales in 10 days then you should start looking at what your competitors are offering or doing different to you, where do you place in a search, do you advertise your listings?
The answer is yes, still selling although Jan / Feb is always slow so make sure you gear up to do huge volumes in Sep - Dec
on 29-01-2014 04:25 PM
on 29-01-2014 04:40 PM
Do some searches for your items, where do you place, what are your competitors charging? are the items similar? Spend a good 2 hours looking for what you are selling using various techniques, best match, lowest price, category browsing. How long does it take for you to find your items?
Are you using the eBay Analysis tools on your listings? http://cgi6.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewEApp&appId=app.listinganalytics.com
How many views do your listings get per day? How many new watchers per day? If many consider dropping your price for a few days to get your listings more active, you can always change it again when you are getting lots of watchers and lots of listing views.
What are your listings like, Consider providing more photos, more details, you’re not just selling an item but a service too. What are your terms, how do you package your goods etc. make this information available to your buyers, you will be amazed at how far this level of detail and effort can take you.
Always ask yourself, have i provided enough information? Could I make an informed decision if I was purchasing this item?
Good Luck 🙂
on 29-01-2014 06:57 PM
Up and down the last couple of weeks, selling far more than usual for two or three days then a couple of days drought.
Overal sales are well up on the same time last year.
on 29-01-2014 07:00 PM
Might have something to do with kids going back to school,but I'm just speculating.