Incorrect postcode

Hi All, just wondering if anyone has had issues with ioncorrect postcodes being given on addresses? I went to mail out an item on Thursday only to be told that the postcode given by the buyer did not relate to the poscode on the Aust Post system. I have tried contacting the buyer (who may be on Easter Hols) with no response. Should I just let it run and wait for a response or contact eBay and let them know that the issue is with the buyer? Cheers, Dave

Message 1 of 21
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Re: Incorrect postcode


It always amazes me that people buy online and fail to put their correct/complete address. How does one not know where they live?


I know it's inconsequential in most cases, but I also hate when people put obviously fake names. If you don't want to be identified for some reason, put initials and a surname, or something. I've always assumed that the name could/would matter if there was a dispute. I once had a buyer who put their name as "Kitty Cat" and when I asked for their real, complete name, they replied with "Fine. It's Pink Kitty Cat." Smiley Mad


(I'm pretty cranky this morning).



You can get their real name from PayPal. When the buying name is too silly I just use their PayPal name. Riff Raff got sent his item to his real name, and lo and behold, Riff Raff complained about something and demanded a refund. I find it easier in a way, at least I know exactly where I stand.


And don't get me started with people who put "Cressent" in their address. You walk/drive past the street sign everyday, look at it and learn how to spell it! ("You" in general, not you personally  Man Happy  )

Message 11 of 21
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Re: Incorrect postcode

I had one buyer this weekend whose name was 'Honeybee'. No other name....


Even more annoying because it happens so often (and almost invariably they are from Qld or NSW) are those who include the nearest large city as part of their address, as well as their own town/suburb. e.g. Forestdale, Brisbane, QLD 4118 or Lalor Park, Sydney, NSW 2147 and one who didn't even know how to spell her own suburb - Harris Pak, Sydney, NSW 2150. Why do they do this? And why (in my experience) just from those two States?

Message 12 of 21
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Re: Incorrect postcode


Oh indeed, don't get me started


When I very first started selling I had one with a fake name (I foget, it was Doggy something or other) and then just the suburb



Apparently they must be known by everyone in the postal system (in their own mind at least) 

I do believe his surname is "Style".


Don't underestimate the ability of Aust Post. I grew up on the NSW mid north coast, in Newcastle. Newcastle at that point was Australia's largest non capital, it was pretty big, with lots of people. In the 80's I was dating a boy who lived in the inner city suburb of Merewether. 


One year Christmas came around and I went out to their letterbox to get the mail. In it was a Christmas card, which was addressed to "Aunty Lyn, c/- Merewether" On the back it had "From Roz". It had been posted 7 days before from the NSW south coast. There were no identifying details whereby they could have guessed the surname, or street, or whatever, yet the card still arrived to the correct address. I'm certain she wasn't the only Lyn in Merewether!


True story!


These days with everything being computerised, you could forget about something like that ever happening again!

Message 13 of 21
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Re: Incorrect postcode



These days with everything being computerised, you could forget about something like that ever happening again!

Last year, one of my suppliers sent me a package, but for some reason the eParcel label just had my name, unit number and suburb (so no street number and name).


The delivery driver knew me well enough to know exactly where to bring it, though, which I thought was awesome so I contacted Aus Post via Facebook to pass on my compliments. They asked for some info so that they could identify the driver and make sure he got recognition for it, and I haven't seen him since, so I can only hope it was truly a good thing that I praised him to AP. Smiley Frustrated



The whole fake name thing really bugs me, too - I honestly don't think it should be allowed, considering online purchases are technically considered contracts in a legal sense, and you can't sign a contract with a fake name. I don't need personal or financial details obviously, but if someone wants to be completely anonymous, A) using a fake name along with their residential address isn't giving them as much anonymity as they think, and B) go buy from a B&M and pay in cash. Oviously I get purchases from businesses as well, so if it's a registered business name I take absolutely no issue with that, but one time I had someone buy from me that had a fake name registered on eBay, and a fake name registered with PayPal, so real name could not be determined from anywhere and it wasn't a businesss name either, (I knew it was a fake name because it was their eBay ID, and I also happened to play the video game where the namesake came from). I sent their purchase, but I also blocked them. 

I heard one seller decided to send a package person to person when they thought something was a bit iffy - the buyer had a bit of a hard time finding ID that proved they were indeed Batman. Smiley LOL


The best one I ever got with incorrect address details happened a couple of months ago. I went to copy the address and noticed in place of any street number or name, it was just a long string of numbers. The destination was in another country, so while I wasn't 100% sure it wasn't something like a box number or code that meant something, I had a sneaking suspicion that it was akin to complete gibberish. I sent them a message asking them to confirm the reply. I then emailed them directly, explained the situation again, and said I can't post if I can't confirm the address. I got a reply relatively quickly to that email, and it said this, in its entirety: "The numbers should not be there".


Smiley Indifferent Smiley LOL


Had to message back to ask what should be there, then - when they replied, it was a proper address but the suburb etc was also completely different. >_> 

Message 14 of 21
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Re: Incorrect postcode

You'd never cope with selling on facebook. People use all sorts of anonymous names. I must admit I haven't seen Batman yet though.
Message 15 of 21
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Re: Incorrect postcode

You'd never cope with selling on facebook. People use all sorts of anonymous names. I must admit I haven't seen Batman yet though.

Don't people just generally do local pick up and pay in cash, though? My issue with fake names is that the buyers may not be able to be identified if needed several months down the track and I'm dealing with a chargeback.


I've never really been interested in Facebook selling anyway, definitely not as a business - at least with the way it currently works (I think it's a great tool, just not suited to me as a market). I checked it out for some personal items I had and wanted to sell and didn't want to put on ebay, but all the groups I came across just wanted to sell local pick-up. I prefer postage and wanted to find a national group where people were ok with postage - couldn't find one at all. I watched a few local groups, just to get a feel for it, but left them all when I noticed nearly all postings went a bit like this:


Cool item, still in excellent condition, $100, price firm.


First response: Would you take $20 if I pick it up today?

Second response: What condition is it in? 



Message 16 of 21
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Re: Incorrect postcode



I heard one seller decided to send a package person to person when they thought something was a bit iffy - the buyer had a bit of a hard time finding ID that proved they were indeed Batman. Smiley LOL


g_chortle.gifI would love to have seen the scenario where the courier/postman said (without cracking so much as a smidgeon of a grin), "Driver licence? Birth certificate? Surely you must have something with your - ahem - name on it."

Message 17 of 21
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Re: Incorrect postcode


 year, one of my suppliers sent me a package, but for some reason the eParcel label just had my name, unit number and suburb (so no street number and name).


The delivery driver knew me well enough to know exactly where to bring it, though, which I thought was awesome so I contacted Aus Post via Facebook to pass on my compliments. They asked for some info so that they could identify the driver and make sure he got recognition for it, and I haven't seen him since, so I can only hope it was truly a good thing that I praised him to AP. Smiley Frustrated


Digi I can tell you what happens when a StarTrack driver attracts similar praise.


Last year my OH was sent to an inner city address with instructions to find out what had happened to an important parcel that had gone missing.  The customers were an Asian couple and there was a bit of a language barrier....they spoke English but not very well.

As they were good customers both through their business as well as privately he was told that not finding the parcel was not an option.


It took several hours but he eventually figured it out and went to the address where the parcel had been left by mistake.  The owners of the parcel were ecstatic and full of praise, offering him some yummy Chinese lollies as a thank you.

He thought no more of it until a week later when he picked up his paysheet.  In the envelope that was a very official looking letter from the big boss in Melbourne thanking him for the good work.  Attached was a copy of the letter received from the Asian couple....full of praise in delightfully broken English.....and a $50 gift card for being employee of the month.


The funny part of it is that this was the first and last time anyone has ever heard of the Employee of the Month.


Hopefully your driver received something similar.




Message 18 of 21
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Re: Incorrect postcode

[...] In the envelope that was a very official looking letter from the big boss in Melbourne thanking him for the good work.  Attached was a copy of the letter received from the Asian couple....full of praise in delightfully broken English.....and a $50 gift card for being employee of the month.


The funny part of it is that this was the first and last time anyone has ever heard of the Employee of the Month.


Hopefully your driver received something similar.


I like that anecdote; encouraging good workers and praising them (with a practical and tangible thank you as well) when they go above and beyond the minimum job parameters must be one of the best ways to promote a healthy and productive work environment. (Unless the actual pay is rubbish and the working conditions otherwise intolerable... and the workers are obliged to live in a shoe box and get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night, half an hour before they went to bed...)


Message 19 of 21
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Re: Incorrect postcode



Hopefully your driver received something similar.




I hope so - I mean, it shouldn't have been something that'd get him into trouble, but it's hard to know with AP and their protocols sometimes.

Message 20 of 21
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