Is my store ok? My sales have dropped off

I know it's been quiet since before Christmas, and I also was away for almost 2 weeks during that time, but I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong somewhere.

My store is called kitty-kat-kollection and I sell mostly used excellent quality womens clothes, shoes, handbags, some makeup & skin products, some jewellery and the occasional item like vintage Lego and (genuine) Pandora charms (from one of my own bracelets).

I know the amount of sellers is high in this fashion area, and although I try and buy high end / designer clothes, it's very rare to actually find those pieces at prices cheap enough to guarantee a fairly decent profit and you can never know whether any item will sell or for how much.

I put business cards in every parcel, have custom return address labels and am really helpful and friendly to my buyers. I've been on Ebay since 2002 (but only started properly selling in July 2018) and am a "top seller".

I try to use all the keywords I can in the titles, always include well written descriptions in the listings, always provide measurements for each item, and also try and show my items as best I can by taking photos from various angles. I also go through my listings every few days and change up the photos and review the price.

The photos of clothes are mostly on cat-themed coat hangers on a hook on my white door so against a clean, uncluttered backdrop. The photos of my other products like shoes, bags and cosmetics are on either my white shaggy rug or my faux fur ottoman. I am actively seeking a plain white mannequin bust as they often look so much better (neck down to upper thigh).

I'm just wondering if there's an issue I'm not aware of. Many of my items only have 1-3 views after a week. Am I buying the wrong brands? Am I too cheap? Too expensive? Do my listings blab on for too long?

If anyone is really bored and would care to take a look, I'd really appreciate it

Thank you!
Message 1 of 38
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Is my store ok? My sales have dropped off

When I enter your store - on the left hand side the ONLY category you have is OTHER??

You need to add new categories & resort - the more the better

Message 11 of 38
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Is my store ok? My sales have dropped off

enter through my red door & you'll see how many categories I have - and I only sell books


You can have as many categories as you like ie: put dresses in 'dresses' and also put the same item into a 'size' category. You can choose 2 categories per listing

Message 12 of 38
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Is my store ok? My sales have dropped off

Thank you thank you thank you!!!!

I'll take out all the blather in my store info too. Ugh.

Thank yoooou!!!
Message 13 of 38
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Is my store ok? My sales have dropped off

Ahh, and that Valentine's Pandora is authentic, it's on the US Pandora site.

That's where my friend who gave me the bracelet originally is from (Orlando). I had to re-check that charm just then, but I did look it up originally to find out what it was actually called and its general info.
Message 14 of 38
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Is my store ok? My sales have dropped off

January is traditionally a bit slower for most, as people have spent a lot on Christmas, and often on Boxing day / new year sales as well, then families get ready for back to school at the end of January, so a lot of stores will feel the pinch as cash gets saved after the big spending or diverted to those things.


Things can also be a bit slow if you go on holidays, if you hide your listings during that time, because then for x amount of time your listings get pretty much no activity so they can suffer a little in eBay rankings. 


Re: store categories, you don't have to create your own, you can also choose to just display eBay's categories in your store, but creating your own does give you the opportunity to let buyers refine by different  things, or create interest-drawing categories (eg "Clearance", or "New Arrivals", new arrivals needs to be maintained consistently, though, putting new items in, removing older items. Refining by size is popular, and while you can do that in search results on eBay, clothes aren't categorised by eBay by size). 


A lot of your photos look a little on the warm side so when you edit them, you might find they look a lot better if you turn that down slightly - if you'd like to make them pop a bit more, check out Fotofuze. They have a free version if you don't mind the maximum size of your image being 700 x 700, (USD$5 per month if you want larger images), and it's all done automatically after you highlight the item in your photograph. I took the liberty of grabbing one of your gallery images at random to put it through the image tool, which I've put in the spoiler below. I also slightly adjusted the warmth and made it a little brighter - Fotofuze can be a bit funny with whites and shadows, so it basically 'fuzed' the white of the dress as well, and I had to touch it up manually to remove some dark shadows as well as the coathanger, but even if not perfect, it's an example of how much difference a bright image with a clean background can make). 





Message 15 of 38
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Is my store ok? My sales have dropped off

@kitty-kat-kollection wrote:
Ahh, and that Valentine's Pandora is authentic, it's on the US Pandora site.

That's where my friend who gave me the bracelet originally is from (Orlando). I had to re-check that charm just then, but I did look it up originally to find out what it was actually called and its general info.

I can't find it.


I thought the link I gave covered worldwide, not just Australia.


Can you give a link please?

Message 16 of 38
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Is my store ok? My sales have dropped off

OMG DIGITAL GHOST, THAT IS AMAZING!!! I need that program on all my photos! Thank you!

Imastawka, I'll get that link for you as soon as I relocate it.
Message 17 of 38
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Is my store ok? My sales have dropped off

Hmm. Well, this is frustrating. The site shows up in Google searches and in Google Images as this...

Love Note Dangle Charm

But when I go to it, it's an empty screen. It WAS there!
Message 18 of 38
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Is my store ok? My sales have dropped off

I'd also add your listings sound a little odd... you have a Hermes bag for $15?


Hermes is Hermes, whoever Hermes Leathergoods are they are nothing to do with the 'real' Hermes brand for sure. 


As soon as I saw that, no interest in looking further. 


Buyers aren't concerned what the backstory of a Pandora charm is, they just want to know its genuine. Just like a handbag brand. 


Hope that helps.


Message 19 of 38
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Is my store ok? My sales have dropped off

Really? Do they all sound odd or just those ones?

The Hermes Leathergoods I researched and it is an offshoot company of the actual Hermes which is French. The "Hermes Leathergoods Made in Australia" is simply NOT the same as the real Hermes. I was disappointed when I found that out. I cannot sell that item as a proper Hermes for a Hermes price as it not that exact same part of the company.

The Pandora I have to check, as I can't recall blabbing about it at length.

Thank you for your advice!
Message 20 of 38
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