Item location misrepresentation policy - Promoted / Sponsored items ignore 'Australia Only' Filter

I have been currently researching/testing 'Item Location', & yes you can make reference to the number to the right of the sellers user name which will tell you in most instances where the seller is located, however that individual check in itself is not sufficient to definately confirm that the item is not coming from where the seller is located (ie: They may "have a warehouse in Australia"??), in addition to this other indicators are, how specific that item location description is, anything less than in the Item location in the listing other than City/State/Country could could be considered suspicious & according to the ebay 'Item location policy' is not a practice they accept??! Customer feedback, as already mentioned is also another indicator (ie: slow postage, took its time etc, not necessarily in Neg or Nut feedback), also if you have purchased with the item location not being specific, city/state/country, you will see a number of emails coming directly from the seller (not automated) to manage your expectations regarding delivery times with messages like "to be patient", "Thank You for your understanding", "My friend" etc, you will also notice that a tracking number will be supplied almost immediately, an extremely long one (which shortens once your item has been delivered), you will also see when you check the tracking status that it takes 3 or more days after receiving the tracking No. for any movement of your item to occur & in one instance so far, receive a confirmation email that your item will be delivered today, but not, only to be delivered 5 days later (3 business days).

I have also noticed the seller will only accept Paypal, a transfer would reveal an overseas account?, you will not be able to identify a return address in the listing, the delivery dates estimations in the listing will be a range of at least 7 days, when as I understand it when you use Austalia Post Parcel Services the estimated delivery date will say on or before a date, not a range & definately not a 7 day+ range. Other indicatiors can be going to the ebay app, on my iphone for me & noting the seller legal information at the bottom of the original listing under About the Seller (eg:VAT GB123456789 but no address). I think if you have a number of the above anomilies, it certainly appears suspicious, a sneeky job has be done in an attempt to conceal the actual items location.


When you are aware of what to look for you will see a staggering amount, that could be labeled as suspicious. This practice does not create a fair playing field for genuine Australian sellers with product they have invested in, usually in bulk, having paid in most instances significant freight forwarding fees/VAT at country of origin/Aust GST & Inport duties. Combine that with the added advantage with subsidized postage from China & no Aust GST applied to the sale vs Australian sellers comparable postage costs with signature <1kg of $14.50 you fall well behind the 8 ball when trying to compete with similar items from the price perspective. Buyers in a lot of instances will not put the time in to uncover the deception & will accept the slower delivery as there is reasonable if not over communication. I have also noticed that when purchasing from 1 of thiese suspicious listings, the seller will not leave feedback until after delivery & you have left feedback, I think this is done so the seller has opportunity for negotiation if Neg or Nut feedback is left, as I have noticed that revised feedback stats, located under tab - Feedback as Seller at the far right, can be a high number on some of these suspicious item listings. Most of the above is circumstancial, but in my view seems to point to the item is NOT located in Australia.

HOWEVER, here is the Kicker to compound & again limit Australian sellers opportunity, if you promote your item which stamps the 'SPONSORED' logo on your listing, over & above getting a higher ranking in relevant search results, SPONSORED items IGNORE the 'Australian Only' filter that buyers can use to only see products located in Australia, therefore sellers located in another country & correctly identify the items location, that item will appear in a relevent search by an Australian buyer even though, the buyer has filtered from the left hand side filter options, only Items 'Located in Australia'. Is that fair business practices to offer for a fee search results that ignore buyer preferences via a filter, particularly when a buyer only wants to purchase from Australian sellers.

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Re: Item location misrepresentation policy - Promoted / Sponsored items ignore 'Australia Only' Filt

All very true & very frustrating for both Australian buyers & sellers.  As soon as we see location in Chullora NSW it is highly likely it will come from China with a 2 week wait for the goods.  There is never any return address or any paperwork in the parcel which is flimsy packaging.

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Re: Item location misrepresentation policy - Promoted / Sponsored items ignore 'Australia Only' Filt

A Darwin location is usually a pretty clear giveaway as well.


Location misrepresentation is rampant on ebay and it is not being actively discouraged.


Multiple listings abound that avoid the bots by using stock number suffixes etc.


Search is so broken a simple punctuation mark can produce a different set of results ie Womens vs Women's


Category selection seems to frustratingly return to all Categories after each completed search.


Sponsored listings clogging up and distorting search results.


Similar listings which appear at right are usually just so hilariously off topic they are only good for a much needed laugh.


The list goes on and on and yet we wonder why buyers are becoming an endagered species?


eBay actually seem to have gone off the idea of attracting actual buyers and would much prefer to earn its living from seller fees alone.

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Re: Item location misrepresentation policy - Promoted / Sponsored items ignore 'Australia Only' Filt

So how do we best pursuade ebay to seriously,
1. Uphold their 'Item location misrepresentation policy'?
2. Provide a level playing field for buyers & sellers in Australia?


I have reported an item previously, however there are limited options from their drop downs to sufficiently provide an understanding
of what the issue is with the item listing, as a minimum there should be an option that enables you to describe or nominate a iolation
of one of THEIR polices, ie: 'Item location misrepresentation policy' which seems to be one of the most violated & consistantly abused policies & issue with, particulary Australian Sellers, which is only a fair & reasonable objection.


I have made verbal & written complaints to Ebay, with promises of serious action to items & sellers who consistantly violate their policies, with no follow up from ebay, claimed lost of information, claimed no record of the complaint in the ebay help centres representative notes, no change or ammendment to the listing in question, when there is no doubt that it is in clear violation.


I'm sure like many of you, spending hours on the phone to the help centre, having to repeat your claims over & over, even when you have taken the complaint to a Supevisor level, resulting in nothing measurable about an action taken & a complete waste of many hour of your time on an issue with one item, how do we address the multitute of items with issues.


I have not been able to speak with anyone above supervisor level, in fact no-one will provide a stucture of hierachy within ebay, I was informed they are not alllow to.


I don't believe the employees we have access to are capable of escaling the complaints to someone that has the authority to make changes & impletement capabilty.


It appears to me that anything that may effect revenue stream from high transaction members, just disappears into the Ebay machine.


Interested in discussion/feedback on alternative strategies?

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Re: Item location misrepresentation policy - Promoted / Sponsored items ignore 'Australia Only' Filt

...but they have a new policy:

scroll down to Accurate Postage Location

might need to remind them of it
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Re: Item location misrepresentation policy - Promoted / Sponsored items ignore 'Australia Only' Filt

There is nothing at present that you can do to have eBay effect a change.


Read this post (the "spoiler" part about eBay's presence in China) to understand why.


That's not to say that there isn't anything you can do. The item misrepresentation and the use of "just in time fulfilment" will continue (and become even more prevalent) unless buyers use the Power of their Purse. That is, Australian buyers must stop buying from sellers who are registered in China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, etc. - either at all (which will not happen) or if the item location and the country in which the seller is registered are not the same (very unlikely to happen, but by all means give it a try).


You can try emailing everyone that you know with a short inspirational "Don't Do This" email, and ask them to email everyone that they know. Some of your contacts will be annoyed at what appears to be a chain email, and won't pass it on. Some will disagree and simply continue to buy the cheapest irrespective of anything else. But... you can try.


You can get onto podiums and give a talk explaining the whole thing... Some people might listen.


Remember that a very great many of the buyers on eBay tend to be swayed by price as the deciding factor, so that is the issue which you will need to soak in boiling water until it softens, so to speak.

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Re: Item location misrepresentation policy - Promoted / Sponsored items ignore 'Australia Only' Filt


I'm back again.

Thanks for your information, I have continued to expand my knowledge & awareness of proliferated practice, it is huge as you say & will continue to expand with significant implication for all Australian, enough said on this platform though. Is there to you knowledge an external community/site dedicated to discussion/actions about this practice?


If not I have the ability with time & am prepared to invested resources to set up such a community/site.


What do you & other who happen to read this think?

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Re: Item location misrepresentation policy - Promoted / Sponsored items ignore 'Australia Only' Filt

@nicbaris_0 wrote:

Is there to you knowledge an external community/site dedicated to discussion/actions about this practice?



Not a community discussion board or group as far as I'm aware, but PeSA (Professional eBay Sellers Alliance) has an online report form for location misrepresentation. I have no idea how effective they are, though.

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Re: Item location misrepresentation policy - Promoted / Sponsored items ignore 'Australia Only' Filt

Yup,  all true.   Ebay has become a mess.  Its just not a fair system at all.  The item location issue is just one of many things that arnt in our favour as Australian based sellers.


Firstly that should be policed,  I have reported many sellers, disscussed with ebay reps on the phone, they say they are working on it,  but there is more and more of this happeneing.


The new promoted listing thing is another. Who can afford an extra 10% just to stay in higher search results. Once everybody is onboard, your back to where you started just paying a lot more for it. 


Enough is enough.

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